Basal testing results, attempt 1....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Trying to fit some basal tests in before I get my new pump next months...

These are the results:

Time BG Basal
7am n/a 0.68
8am 9.2 1.05
9am 11.4 0.75
10am 10.5 0.65
11am 12 0.61
12noon 13.3 0.62

Pretty up and down...

Any ideas what I should do...I know I have to amend the basals an hour or two earlier, but then I don't know when to stop altering them??
Hi Sarah

If these were fasting tests, then as you say they are a bit up and down.
This assumes no carb intake and no corrections given during the test.

There is a significant change from:

A rise 8:00 to 9:00 so you could consider tweaking the basal rate between 6:00- 7:00. (as you pointed out go back two hours).
A fall 9:00 - 10:00. Perhaps shift a bit of the insulin from 7:00 a 8:00 onto the following hour as there is a rise there.
10:00-11:00-12:00 so you could change basal rates between 8:00- 9:00 - 10:00

I can't advise on what change to make, but how much have you been advised to change rates by?
Whatever change you make, in an ideal world you would then need to test it again with another fasting test.

There are other possibilities for the rise in the morning such as dawn phenomenon. That would depend on there time you got up. Do you notice a rise as soon as you are up?

I hope that that helps and look forward to hearing how you get on with new pump.
I am collecting mine tomorrow.
I wouldn't alter the 8am one at all - since 2 hours after that - 10am - is the only one that went down!

Personally if those are typical rates all day (mine are basically all well under that) I wouldn't alter any more than 0.02 or 03 at a time. It is amazing how much difference such tiny differences make!
I would stop a basal test if my levels went much over 9, because judging by the way my levels respond to corrections, I am more insulin resistant at higher levels, so I could end up with basal doses which are far too high.
Useful thought Radders. In one set of advice it said to cancel if you went up to 14. Although on a fasting test I would not expect to get up anywhere near there, I had not thought about the change in sensitivity.
BG meter consistency goes a bit out the window at higher levels too, of course. But generally the picture seems to be a overall rise through the morning, with an initial 'kick' about an hour after rising.

I get just the same kick and although I counterract to some extent with increased basal, for me really the better bet seems to be to add 1u pretty much as I get out of bed. Looks like you may not need that much - but I put mine down to my liver getting all perky when I crawl out from under the duvet.
Thanks everyone, I did another set of tests this morning to check the pattern...the pattern was the same so I've made a few small tweaks and I'll retest in the morning again 🙂
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