Basal testing problems

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I got my Accuchek Combo pump on 25th November. Apart from being cack- handed and having no memory I seem to be managing the practicalities! - with help searching this forum. HOWEVER, I have been trying to do basal checks and am continually chasing highs and lows, so not very successful.
The reason I am trying a pump is because of the incredibly variable results I have always had. There appears to be no such thing as a 'safe' meal for me, no pattern with anything I eat, so I don't seem to ever have a straight line to start with. Low carb hgher protein dishes don't work, I am sure I must convert protein when there isn't enough carb around as I will get highs with carefully measured carbs.
Any suggestions?
Well the only reliable way I can find of testing basals is to actually not eat anything at all for that 6 hour time block. Trouble is it's really a 10 hour time block - test, bolus/correct, eat, wait 4 + hours to let the bolus go away - then test for the next 6 hours.
As TW say's no eating whilst basal testing.
Obviously if you have highs and lows from that test you know you have a problem, so from the result make some changes and try again.
It will come right, patience is a virtue ........ which I don't posses either 🙂
Protein filled meals tend to cause me major problems as well with high blood sugars.
I'm much the same as you Heasandford (I started on 20 Nov), except that I don't eat at all on basal tests. It's a bit of a pain, but worth it. Already we (my DSN and myself) have ascertained that I need more basal in the mornings and much less in the afternoons (which I knew from basal tests on MDI). Is your DSN not ringing you daily or at least twice a week? I email my diary to my DSN and she then uses the results to talk through things with me on the phone.
Thanks for your replies
Pattidevans, calling you personally, no such luck!
Actually, I think they are all overworked, loads of patients with pumps at Bournemouth. Is your diary that you email not the software one, just a handwritten one? What results do you keep? I am doing more finger pricking than you can believe!

I may have misled you all about the basal testing, I don't try to eat DURING the test, my current problem is getting a result between 4-7 BEFORE the test! I am now trying to make no adjustments at all, regardless of how high, but obviously I have to treat lows and then I always get a corresponding high to follow. I measure lucozade to do this, and have discovered that if I don't give around 12g of glucose-worth the low persists beyond 15 minutes.
I am also on Apidra, changed from Novorapid last April when still on MDI - one wonderful month then back to normal!
Keeping at it, never been much good at injecting fixed time before eating or leaving out favourite foods, these next areas to test (only good homemade bread, risotto, never had much of a sweet tooth)
Thanks again for your support!
I'm having trouble getting hold of my DSN. I left two messages asking for a call back for advice about current problems but still not heard from her. But the advice here is helping a lot. Also I have no follow up appointment - except at GP surgery but they don't support pump therapy! :(
Oh I don't partic worry what it is exactly before I start (obv if it's either 2 or 20 I'd have to scrap it LOL) but anything in the realms of 'OK' or 'not a complete disaster' I'll still test because even if it is 10 before I start, if my basal is right it should still be around 10 when I finish so that would mean basal dose is correct. If it's moved much more than 1.7 either way then it ain't right and I need to adjust it. Either before or during.
Heasanford, in the first week the pump nurse rang me twice a day and I read my results out to her off the meter. I hate hand written diaries so I made a spreadsheet that looked just like the paper diary from accuchek and I now email that to her. The 2nd week she rang me once a day. Then she went on leave last week but she was willing to ring me every day but I didn't think that was fair, so I arranged for me to send her my diary yesterday and we talked today and worked out a strategy for testing. I have had input but it's been great to have her support. Specially since my rAtios were changed from 1:5 to 1:15 when I started the pump.

I need to get the 360 software to download my results but there was a bit of a cock up with the setting up of my account with Roche. Hopefully it's resolved now!
PS I had read Pumping insulin by John Walsh before I started so I think I was a bit ahead of the game and not as overwhelmed as I could have been but the support here has been superb.
Thanks again! I have got the book and dip into it, have read it although some time ago now. I am trying the testing again without worrying too much about start levels, although I have been getting too many high 3s, just below 4s.
I have 360 software and they sent me the update for the pump which adds on 'stuff' which I don't completely understand or appreciate. I like the trend, standard day and target, but I still can't find any patterns!
I know I probably resisting changing some of things I like eating! - especially when I don't get consistently bad readings with them! I'll keep testing anyway!
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