basal testing oddity

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys,

most of you know I've spent the last few months doing lots of basal tests. Overnights are now sorted (hurrah!) so took a break and have moved onto morning testing (ie 7am-12pm).

I've done a few, noting a steady rise of c2.0mmol at points, and increased - all as per the basal testing sticky on this forum.

Had a break for the last week as was suffering from a cold. better now, so decided to do one this morning. Results so far as follows:

bedtime last night - 4.7mmol
7am - 5.1
9am - 6.8
11am - 11.0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was so shocked at this huge spike I tested using another strip (as my machine has a penchant for giving anomalous readings) and it came out at 11.2 so I know this is probably correct.

As above, I've done 2-3 of these morning basals now and never had such an odd spike. I am wondering why this spike has occurred. This morning I have run round the house with the hoover and run after cats to get them in baskets and down to vets all at 10am. I'm wondering, woud this mild exercise/stress have possibly caused the spike?

(EDIT: of course, when i refer to exercise I refer to the fact that afer this, my body has done a quick scan, seen no glucose lying around to combat the energy spend and thus the liver has chucked some out)
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Could be your liver I guess.

More often than not when I'm basal testing its to check what I think is going on (ie I've already perceived a problem and want to see if it's basal that is involved). If I don't see what I expect I'd always retest to rule out all the 'one of those days' factors.
Hi Dory

That happens to me sometimes. I used to have Dawn Phenomenon but my pump has mostly sorted that. However, if I don't eat in the morning and then do something stressful or active, e.g. skip breakfast and then run to the train station because I'll be late for work or something, I get a big spike. But if I do eat something my levels would stay ok.

Did you eat before you hoovered and chased your cats around (lol)?
Thanks Mike and i didn't eat L, it was a basal test (you have to fast during basal tests to rule out food being the reason for any bG level changes).......I did fancy a big cake though, to congratulate myself for sorting cats out without too much hassle! 😉
maybe i should have just hoovered the cats up....that would have also solved the problem (cats are at vets being clipped as we speak)....??!? 😉
Hee hee I have two cats myself so I totally know what you mean! Last time I had to take my cats to the vets I ended up having a fight with one of them out on my balcony! I ended up soaking wet from the rain and covered in scratches and I still didn't catch her!

So I completely understand your temptation to eat a cake and if it was me I probably would have lol :D
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