Basal testing hunger

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
As the gastroparesis takes longer to get rid of food from my tummy than for a "normal" person😱 I didn't want to eat anything for breakfast when I did a basal test that takes me through until at least 3pm. Well it's 12pm now and I am absolutely starving and haven't got any sugar free jelly. I think the next three hours are going to go very slowly...........................
As the gastroparesis takes longer to get rid of food from my tummy than for a "normal" person😱 I didn't want to eat anything for breakfast when I did a basal test that takes me through until at least 3pm. Well it's 12pm now and I am absolutely starving and haven't got any sugar free jelly. I think the next three hours are going to go very slowly...........................

Oops, write 100 times I will be better prepared next time 😛
Best thing to do is make yourself busy so hunger is forgotten. (That's the theory) :D
As the gastroparesis takes longer to get rid of food from my tummy than for a "normal" person😱 I didn't want to eat anything for breakfast when I did a basal test that takes me through until at least 3pm. Well it's 12pm now and I am absolutely starving and haven't got any sugar free jelly. I think the next three hours are going to go very slowly...........................

It's tricky eh! ....To be honest, the only basal testing I've ever done is through the night! 🙂 I thought if I get my basal profile during the night right then the following day should be smoother and during the day you can 'work out' your basal patterns by regular testing and adjusting.
Sue I've written the lines:D Phil Ive had to do a correction most days at 3pm but because of the gastroparesis I don't know if the correction is because of the basal or the gastroparesis delay.......but I certainly won't be repeating this time of day basal testing very often....I'm dreaming of eating crumpets at 3 or 4pm:D
That's interesting Phil - almost exactly the opposite to my experience!

Basal tests on MDI were always followed by a general shift up or down (because that's all there was) but since being on a pump I've noticed quite how variable my requirements can be from one month to the next. Over the last month I've needed to massively hike up my basal through the morning, but cut it right back between 3 or 4pm and eve meal time. High in one place, hypo in another - and everything else remaining the same. Quite annoying actually as it has taken far longer to get things working reasonably again.

When basal testing I tend to grab a chunk of cheese if I'm struggling - I know strictly speaking it's not ideal as the fat will convert eventually - but it does so over such a long timescale, and I can usually ignore protein entirely so I seem to be able to get away with it.
That's interesting Phil - almost exactly the opposite to my experience!

Basal tests on MDI were always followed by a general shift up or down (because that's all there was) but since being on a pump I've noticed quite how variable my requirements can be from one month to the next. Over the last month I've needed to massively hike up my basal through the morning, but cut it right back between 3 or 4pm and eve meal time. High in one place, hypo in another - and everything else remaining the same. Quite annoying actually as it has taken far longer to get things working reasonably again.

When basal testing I tend to grab a chunk of cheese if I'm struggling - I know strictly speaking it's not ideal as the fat will convert eventually - but it does so over such a long timescale, and I can usually ignore protein entirely so I seem to be able to get away with it.

My Basal profile does change, especially seasonal Mike....I 've had to raise my basal profile first thing in the morning as well. It's annoying....just when you think all is running smoothly....the wheels come off and something has to be adjusted! For me, the night time levels have to be good or I'm riding a rollercoaster the next day....battling highs and lows
Well it's proving worthwhile:D. Identified that BG went up from 12pm tp 1pm and 1pm to 2pm. It was 6.8 at 12pm and is now 10.0 at 2pm!!! Another two hours of testing to go 😱 Have increased my 11-12 basal by .3 and my 12-1 basal by .3 I hope I doing this right. Guess I will have to check it all again on Wednesday or Thursday maybe.........
20 hours without food was worthwhile. I found out that from 12-3 it rose from 6.8 to 10.8 so that explains the corrections that I've been having to make. From 3-4 it only fell from 10.8 to 10.3 so I'm pleased with that. Never have crumpets tasted so good as the ones that I've just had:D
20 hours without food was worthwhile. I found out that from 12-3 it rose from 6.8 to 10.8 so that explains the corrections that I've been having to make. From 3-4 it only fell from 10.8 to 10.3 so I'm pleased with that. Never have crumpets tasted so good as the ones that I've just had:D

Glad to hear it was all worth it Amanda! You deserve those crumpets! 🙂
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