Basal testing and hypos

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My plans to do a pm basal test today were thwarted when my blood sugar dropped to 3.6 during the pre-testing fast period so I had to eat.
My question is, should this prevent me from running the basal test starting four hours later once the hypo treatment is out of my system?
My understanding of the reason for not doing a basal test after a hypo is that the liver having dumped glucose in response to the hypo is then depleted, leading to abnormal behaviour later and lower levels than would normally be the case.
As far as I know, my liver didn't have to release anything because I ate something and have not seen a spike. Also, I believe there is some debate about whether 3.6 is actually hypo at all. For example the default setting for hypo on all my AccuChek meters is 3.5.
Can anyone add any insight into this for me before I abandon my plans to run my basal test today, as I have a unique opportunity to do it, having finished work early and no need to do any further exercise today - this never normally happens making it impossible to test this particular time block.
Thanks in advance for your input.
Officially I think it would be out, because of the possibility that the results could be messed up, but in your shoes I would probably go ahead and just treat the results with a little caution.
Thanks Mike, I think I will.
Do you think the reason I gave for why we aren't meant to do a basal test after a hypo is correct? All views welcome!
I have always thought it was down to general hormonal upheaval / liver shenanigans yes. In the same way that one hypo can beget others because your system is changed after you have one - even a mild one.
My understanding of why to abandon the fasting test is the same as Mike's.
at least you can sort out the basal rates up until two hours before the hypo, unless that's happened before you even started. It is because of these little hiccoughs it can take me a whiles month to get the full 24 hours done.

I had planned one for this morning but I had to adandin it as there was the smell of freshly made coffee and homemade bread coming from downstairs!!
I had to abandon it in the end. No drastic drops but as I was at just over 4 at the start, I didn't have any leeway at all. I may never know if my pm basal is set right!

Thank you very much for your replies, friends, it is good to know I'm not alone in struggling with basal tests.
It's that planning thing that frustrates me Radders. I hate it I really do so I grit my teeth and decide I'll do it - then the stuff hits the fan - either hypo or my set will fail and I'll have to abandon it, correct with a pen or Lucozade, and firefight,

I'm seriously considering investing in a Libre for this very purpose. Any time I don't feel like eating I can simply do that and WOW a few hours later - there's a basal test done, without even getting off my arse! And the night time one especially. I always but always have to get up during the night at least once of not twice for the bathroom so having a quick scan without even turning a light on has GOT to be easier. But there again I feel a bit guilty thinking I want to be lazy so I'll pay it, even though I can afford it. I sort of feel ashamed, admitting I feel this way (lazy I mean) Am I weird? Or just truthful? LOL
It's that planning thing that frustrates me Radders. I hate it I really do so I grit my teeth and decide I'll do it - then the stuff hits the fan - either hypo or my set will fail and I'll have to abandon it, correct with a pen or Lucozade, and firefight,

I'm seriously considering investing in a Libre for this very purpose. Any time I don't feel like eating I can simply do that and WOW a few hours later - there's a basal test done, without even getting off my arse! And the night time one especially. I always but always have to get up during the night at least once of not twice for the bathroom so having a quick scan without even turning a light on has GOT to be easier. But there again I feel a bit guilty thinking I want to be lazy so I'll pay it, even though I can afford it. I sort of feel ashamed, admitting I feel this way (lazy I mean) Am I weird? Or just truthful? LOL

I don't think anyone can call someone lazy for not wanting to prick their fingers every hour, especially at night. I also feel slightly guilty about the expense of the Libre. That is countered by the fact that I am saving more than half the monthly cost of it by cycling to work instead of catching the bus. It also helps that my other half calls it a "no brainer" making the choice between more frequent finger pricks and paying £100 a month for the Libre.
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