Basal Test

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Guys just a wee quick Question about what you do when you basal test a
i.e Sit watch tv,Knit,Crotchet,crossword,jigsaw or anything else ???
I have recently started doing Basal test as have lots of up n downs for 7 weeks since i got my pump with Hypo,s at lots of diffrant times of day and never really been able to get basal test done However this week i have the CSM sensor in till Wed and have done basal test Tue aft and yest 6pm :midnight all nice and steady despite 11.1 this am. I just kinda sat and watched TV n startd Crotchet last night as i seem to be very sensitive to exersice of any sort it seems to drop my BG so what do you guys all do when you Basal Test.
Anything as long as its not very 'active'. I sit down at work so daytime ones are usually just sat at a desk. I'd avoid a time when I needed to rush round the shops or something, but 'normal' stuff is OK - as long as I wouldn't usually set a TBR for whatever it is I reckon it's probably ok
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