Basal test - results - help?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Last night I did a short basal test.

6pm - 8.3 - 43g carbs, a pasta ready meal (my mum has declared she isn't going shopping again until we've eaten everything in the freezer, lol!). I bolused the whole lot (4.5u) in one, as opposed to splitting it. Plus 1 unit to correct.

10pm - 9.7

11pm - 8.2 - this is now 5 hours since I ate and bolused, so the bolus should be out my system by now. 12u lantus.

12am - 6.8

1am - 4.8

2am - 3.4 - basal test abandoned and I had 100ml OJ and 2 chocolate biscuits, 10g carbs each.

9am - 8.5

I'm won't take anything you say as advice 🙂 I'm just wanting opinions on this - less basal needed in the late evening? I have thought about reducing my evening bolus from 1u:10g to say 1:12g to start with, but after 5 hours I was 8.2, as opposed to 8.3 pre meal, which to me says the bolus was okay - if anything, more was needed because I also gave a 1u correction before eating, but again, any suggestions/opinions/thoughts are greatly appreciated. I also suspect if I were to drop my evening bolus ratio I'd get a huge spike at some point before drifting down over the course of the evening/night, which I'm not comfortable doing.

I'm going to repeat the test either on Friday or Sunday, and I won't make any changes until then (always had it drilled into me to make changes only once you see a pattern and not a one off result). Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

edited to say that as I am on MDI, I take 2 injections of lantus a day. It almost seems to me that I could do with slightly less basal say 10am - 2am. If only I could do that on MDI!
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That looks like a classic lantus spike to me Shiv, and probably the only thing you can do is reduce your lantus a little. I used to get pretty similar results to these! I know lantus isn't supposed to spike but I say it does, based on my personal experience! 😉
I just worry I'll wake up on high levels if I reduce it. Ahhhh. As I say I'll retest to make sure this is a pattern and not a one off then I'll look to drop it. So annoying!
How about taking the lantus a little earlier. If it is a spike from lantus it might be better to have it peaking around dinner time rather than overnight. May have a knock on effect on your evening bolus ratio though,
How about taking the lantus a little earlier. If it is a spike from lantus it might be better to have it peaking around dinner time rather than overnight. May have a knock on effect on your evening bolus ratio though,

I like the idea of taking it earlier, but if I'm trying to keep the 2 injections roughly 12 hours apart, I'm looking at getting up at 5am each morning to do the other one. I would begrudgingly do it I guess. Something else to put to the consultant when I see him in 2 weeks.
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