Basal Rate

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

The above results show a typical morning for me, without carbs.....which is much better now I am on the pump, as I would have continued to rise all the way to lunch....

My basal rate is 1.0u/H from 7:00 till 17:00.......

How would the rest of you go about changing my rates from 7-8, 8-9, 9-10 etc....

The above results show a typical morning for me, without carbs.....which is much better now I am on the pump, as I would have continued to rise all the way to lunch....

My basal rate is 1.0u/H from 7:00 till 17:00.......

How would the rest of you go about changing my rates from 7-8, 8-9, 9-10 etc....

I suffer from DP and my basal rate is from 4am-7am 3.5u/H, if I were you I would raise to 1.5u/H but start this earlier than 7am to get it going to combat your DP....practice and test and adjust! 🙂
Do you know what was happening earlier in the morning NRB? And what were at bedtime the night before?

John Walsh suggests making a basal change 1-2 hours before you want to see it having an effect, but from what you've posted it looks pretty flat apart from a bit of a bump around 10ish.

I would think pushing the pattern up a couple of notches from say 8 until 10 might be worth considering, but I'd make only about a 20% change to begin with if it were me (so 1.2u/h)
I was 9.2 before bed, and had about 19g CHO, I then woke up at 9.1.......

I also have a basal rate of 1.1 running from 3 - 7 am.....

I might try that 1.2u/H tomorrow then....
Did you bolus for that 19g of carbs? If not that seems like (effectively) a bit of a drop overnight..?

Seems to me like you are pretty flat overnight and then pretty flat again during the morning, you just need to get your bedtime reading down a bit. If all those 9's have been 5.5's you'd have a pretty amazing set of results there!
I did bolus for that reason not to......

So that means I have held steady overnight then? At least until 3am, but then my higher basal rate kicks in.....

Looking at the basal testing sticky it would suggest a 0.2 increase between 8 and 10 considering it was an increase of 2.5 that your interpretation.....?
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I did bolus for that reason not to......

So that means I have held steady overnight then? At least until 3am, but then my higher basal rate kicks in.....

going by what you have are similar to me, it took me a while to realise i needed a big hit of basal from 4am onwards.
I did bolus for that reason not to......

So that means I have held steady overnight then? At least until 3am, but then my higher basal rate kicks in.....

Looking at the basal testing sticky it would suggest a 0.2 increase between 8 and 10 considering it was an increase of 2.5 that your interpretation.....?

Well if I'd been 9 at bedtime I'd have corrected with the aim of gettign back to 5-7ish before breakfast. Having that late 19g of carbs does muddy the water slightly as it's impossible to know whether the carbs and insulin for that played nicely and what (if any) wobbles you had overnight.

Have you done much in the way of overnight tests? (tricky with a littlun I know)

But yes... you seem to be pretty steady with that smallish wobble mid-morning, so a small increase 8-10 would be worth considering.
I pretty much went straight into the overnight testing the first week out of training.......

that allowed me to adjust my 3 - 7 basal......

my pump would have corrected me with the 19g cho bolus, so that might suggest I went up......

so I maybe need a tad more 3 -7 basal, or an earlier start......

the fine tuning abilities is excellent, but can get complicated at times.....:D
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