Basal rate question

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes

Hope this is not too daft 😱 ......does a half hour basal rate deliver? When I put an additional rate in for half hour (increase of 0.025) it doesn't change the total basal (which I suppose would be an increase of 0.012 onto the total ?) but does it still deliver that tiny increase or not :confused: Do I have to go the full hour in the case of such a small increment ?
30 mins yes but from 0.250 to 0.275, tried the hour but seems too much and feeling a bit stuck, will put down her afternoon basals to see if any one can suggest anything:

12-13:00hrs 0.175
13-14:00hrs 0.200
14-16:00hrs 0.250

2hrs post lunch she is usually between 6 and 8mmols so happy with bolus, it then creeps up by 4-5mmols at 4pm. Tried 0.275 for the hr 14:00 to 15:00 but too much (hypo, persevered 3 days but had to cancel it out in the end) hence me wondering about the 30mins. Or am I aiming too late to tackle the rise, finding this one hard must admit :confused:

Hope this is not too daft 😱 ......does a half hour basal rate deliver? When I put an additional rate in for half hour (increase of 0.025) it doesn't change the total basal (which I suppose would be an increase of 0.012 onto the total ?) but does it still deliver that tiny increase or not :confused: Do I have to go the full hour in the case of such a small increment ?

I suspect it wont deliver that low unless it's a temp basal rate. I know the Animas wont. It just loudly objects and tells me it does not deliver lower than 0.025 of a unit.(even with a temp basal)
Would it work to increase the basal by the 0.25 and perhaps change the carb ratio? :confused: Just fishing in the dark really. Is there no info in the manual or perhaps even better still ring medtronic and ask them? 🙂
30 mins yes but from 0.250 to 0.275, tried the hour but seems too much and feeling a bit stuck, will put down her afternoon basals to see if any one can suggest anything:

12-13:00hrs 0.175
13-14:00hrs 0.200
14-16:00hrs 0.250

2hrs post lunch she is usually between 6 and 8mmols so happy with bolus, it then creeps up by 4-5mmols at 4pm. Tried 0.275 for the hr 14:00 to 15:00 but too much (hypo, persevered 3 days but had to cancel it out in the end) hence me wondering about the 30mins. Or am I aiming too late to tackle the rise, finding this one hard must admit :confused:

I think you might be onto it with your last sentence - namely too late. I see there's good control coming into lunch. With problem being rise between 2-4 pm, the 1pm adjustment may not be taking effect "metabolically speaking" until you're well into the BG rise. I'm thinking with an earlier start of first adjustment, the 0.25 change might not be needed - or at least phased-in cautiously. (Keep Sue's suggestion of ratio reductio in back pocket)

When looking at my dosage changes, I like to keep in mind what percent (%) changes I'm making - puts things more in perspective. These are the numbers calculated from your ex:

12-13:00hrs 0.175 (Baseline = 0.175 u/h)
13-14:00hrs 0.200 (14.2 % increase from baseline)
14-16:00hrs 0.250 (42 % increase from baseline) -OR- (25 % increase from 0.2 u/h)

It sorta makes sense the 0.275 (57% change) run from 2-3 pm led toward hypos - what time were they? I wonder if the hypos were based on A) Increased Basal only, B) Increased basal & bolus. If B, then was it lunch/snack/dinner bolus?
I can't remember what my DSN told me during the setup in November, but it was something to do with how often the micro-doses that make up a basal rate are emitted. Perhaps it is that the rate is so low and the proportion of that over such a short amount of time makes for a non-viable increment?
I can't remember what my DSN told me during the setup in November, but it was something to do with how often the micro-doses that make up a basal rate are emitted. Perhaps it is that the rate is so low and the proportion of that over such a short amount of time makes for a non-viable increment?

This is what I wondered as half the smallest increment certainly doesn't register on her total daily basal.

Thanks to all for the suggestions, will let you know how we get on, hopefully get back on top of things soon 🙂
Though it may still be having an effect...?

from the Veo handbook:

The pump delivers basal amounts in 0.025u/h increments for basal rates less than 1u/h

Delivery 0.025u/h (min) - 35u/h (max)

Which suggests you should be able to make the adjustment (since the delivery is above min) but that perhaps the pump-reporting is rounding it up for the daily totals screen?

Perhaps you could call Medtronic tech support and ask them?
Spoke with Medtronic, was told can't deliver any smaller than the 0.025 so the 30 mins thing wouldn't work. (she wasn't sure but went away and asked)

Going to try the earlier rise this afternoon as suggested (will keep the bolus ratio reduction in mind if this doesn't work, something's got to !!)

Will see how she fairs come tea-time, fingers crossed 🙂
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