Bariatric Surgery - Gastric Sleeve

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, Are there any Type 1s' out there that have had bariatric surgery, especially on a pump. I have just booked to have a Gastric Sleeve on 12th October and would like to have a chat with someone about there insulin changes after surgery. Thanks.
Welcome to the forum @VerityWLS

I can’t recall anyone in your exact situation.

I guess there will be a few things to balance - recovery from any illness or injury (including surgery) can cause BG levels to rise, and make you slightly less sensitive to insulin with insulin:carb ratios and correction factors if you use those.

There will also most likely be changes to how much you will be able to eat I would imagine? So your ‘usual’ meals might be quite significantly affected.

Do you have access to Libre or another continuous glucose sensor?

I wonder if allowing yourself a little more leeway, perhaps dosing after meals if you think hypo risk is a concern might be a helpful strategy?

Of course you will want to reduce your exposure to very elevated BG levels too - as those are no good for healing and recovery.

Feels like you are a little between a rock and a hard place!

Hope the surgery goes well.
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