

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just back from Dr and chemist. Collected my prescription fine but there was also a bag of vials of B12. Asked at the drs why as my blood results showed a very small improvement. Actually saw the Dr who had no idea who had prescribed it, but if I felt that I needed it, I could. I have such a range of aches and muscle pains that I am willing to give it a try. Then she said my Potassium was low and rather than start me on more medication, I should try bananas. To which I replied that I understood they were not too good for diabetes. She looked bemused!!!! I am trying to up my carbs a little , some days I don't make 30 gms, so I shall add them into my count. Bought small ones in Waitrose, so shall see how I go. It's all getting a bit much just now, feeling fed up and actually very low.........which is not me. Can't see DN until mid October, so I really don't know where I am at.
Had haircut today so that always makes me feel brighter.
On the odd occasion that I have a banana, I have half one day and the other half the next, to lessen the effect and if possible I have it with something quite fatty like cream or creamy natural Greek style yoghurt, perhaps with a sprinkle of grated dark chocolate and maybe also some chopped nuts or cinnamon or all 3, just to make it a really special treat without causing a large spike.

Sorry to hear that you are feeling down about it all. Really odd that they gave you vitamin B12 when you hadn't requested it and your levels have come up, but perhaps they want you to continue so that it doesn't drop again.
What is your vitamin D like? I find I get what I call "bone ache" when I am low on vitamin D or when I haven't applied an HRT patch for too long..... I am hopeless about remembering to apply them every 3 or 4 days. If it was every day I am sure I would get into a routine and remember better. Anyway, just something to consider. I know as we become older we are less likely to get enough vitamin D and it is now generally believed that here in the UK most people young and old need to supplement it because the sun doesn't allow us to synthesize enough.
Managing diabetes is exhausting- and can feel like a full time job some days. I think it's OK to have days where we feel low about it. Trying to 'jolly on' through ultimately isn't going to do us any favours and, hopefully, it'll pass and you'll feel ready to keep on managing things. My understand is that B12 deficiency can cause low mood too - not an expert but I don't know if you can relate to that?
I can't comment on the bananas. I hate them (honestly, I'm virtually phobic - it isn't even the taste it's the smell /texture!!) so it's not something I miss with T2. I do suggest it to the pregnant women on my caseload - as restless legs can be more common in pregnancy (I don't, if they have gestational diabetes though!)
I know that on some of menopause support groups, people suggest magnesium but again, not something I've tried myself.

I hope the bananas do help the symptoms without a big blood sugar high and that your mood is better soon.
Hello @EMcKT, I don't do bananas in any shape or form. If you are concerned about the carb loading there are other foods which shouldn't raise your blood sugars. Avocado or dark leafy green veg such as Spinach, kale, Swiss chard or bok choy. I find all of these give me options and variety in my food. Chicken stir fry tonight with leafy greens included in the veg mix but no noodles.
Sorry just realised I forgot to mention they are all good sources of potassium o_O
On the odd occasion that I have a banana, I have half one day and the other half the next, to lessen the effect and if possible I have it with something quite fatty like cream or creamy natural Greek style yoghurt, perhaps with a sprinkle of grated dark chocolate and maybe also some chopped nuts or cinnamon or all 3, just to make it a really special treat without causing a large spike.

Sorry to hear that you are feeling down about it all. Really odd that they gave you vitamin B12 when you hadn't requested it and your levels have come up, but perhaps they want you to continue so that it doesn't drop again.
What is your vitamin D like? I find I get what I call "bone ache" when I am low on vitamin D or when I haven't applied an HRT patch for too long..... I am hopeless about remembering to apply them every 3 or 4 days. If it was every day I am sure I would get into a routine and remember better. Anyway, just something to consider. I know as we become older we are less likely to get enough vitamin D and it is now generally believed that here in the UK most people young and old need to supplement it because the sun doesn't allow us to synthesize enough.
I liked your bone ache, as that's exactly how it feels, although it's sometimes in places where there are no bones. I'm just exhausted all the time. On daily Vit D tablets which have brought levels into normal range, so it's not that. I like bananas so eating them will be no problem, I'll try them with Yog and look for some other green that will help.
I took Metformin and Atorvastatin and had all sorts of aches and pains - I was walking with sticks for some time and so down - I was suicidal just before Christmas 2016, after diagnosis about 5 weeks earlier. My memory was totally shot.
The effects took months to vanish completely.
@EMcKT Are you on statins? Could that be causing the aches?
I can't comment on the bananas. I hate them (honestly, I'm virtually phobic - it isn't even the taste it's the smell /texture!!)
I’m exactly the same. They actually make me gag. I thought I was the only person in the world who didn’t like bananas! 😉
I’m exactly the same. They actually make me gag. I thought I was the only person in the world who didn’t like bananas! 😉
They're repulsive!
They're repulsive!
So pleased to find fellow banana haters. Never met any until I joined this forum. My dislike stems from eating an overripe one as a young child. Can't bear smell, taste,texture of them since.
Have a look on the internet there is a whole list of foods higher in potassium other than bananas but which are low carb.
You say vials of B12, were you supposed to inject yourself as usually it would be the nurse at the surgery who would do it not yourself. It might be daily, or weekly if level was very low otherwise usually every three months.
Tomatoes are good for potassium, especially sundried ones. And squash isn't too bad either
The Internet (WebMD) suggests any of these

Food Sources of Potassium​

Many of the foods that you already eat have potassium in them. If you need to boost the amount in your diet, you can choose healthy foods including:

  • Melon
  • Cooked spinach
  • Cooked broccoli
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Peas
  • Cucumbers
  • Courgette
  • Pumpkins / Squashes
  • Leafy greens
So there seem to be plenty of lower carb options.
The Internet (WebMD) suggests any of these

Food Sources of Potassium​

Many of the foods that you already eat have potassium in them. If you need to boost the amount in your diet, you can choose healthy foods including:

  • Melon
  • Cooked spinach
  • Cooked broccoli
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Peas
  • Cucumbers
  • Courgette
  • Pumpkins / Squashes
  • Leafy greens
So there seem to be plenty of lower carb options.
Most of the above I include and am happy to eat. I think bananas was just the first thing she thought of. I don't have a huge amount of confidence in this GP
Have a look on the internet there is a whole list of foods higher in potassium other than bananas but which are low carb.
You say vials of B12, were you supposed to inject yourself as usually it would be the nurse at the surgery who would do it not yourself. It might be daily, or weekly if level was very low otherwise usually every three months.
No, it's the nurse. I just wasn't expecting to be handed them and told to keep them until injection . Presumed they would be kept in the surgery.
Most of the above I include and am happy to eat. I think bananas was just the first thing she thought of. I don't have a huge amount of confidence in this GP

Yes, bananas do seem to be the ‘default’ recommendation - which is odd when you find how many other options there are!
@EMcKT Are you on statins? Could that be causing the aches?
Yes I am but have been on them for years with no adverse effects. It's just making movement a struggle, getting upright from sitting is difficult, I just feel that I have no confidence in my leg muscles. Bit of straightening up, bit of shuffling and then I can walk. Tonight my feet and legs have been so cold , but I have knee nighs on zo it might be them around my legs. Everything seems a tad haywire since the diabetes diagnosis and I'm not a poorly person at all. Not a worrier either but would like to feel better or at least make some sense of it.
Yes I am but have been on them for years with no adverse effects. It's just making movement a struggle, getting upright from sitting is difficult, I just feel that I have no confidence in my leg muscles. Bit of straightening up, bit of shuffling and then I can walk. Tonight my feet and legs have been so cold , but I have knee nighs on zo it might be them around my legs. Everything seems a tad haywire since the diabetes diagnosis and I'm not a poorly person at all. Not a worrier either but would like to feel better or at least make some sense of it.
My other half is the same age as you, not diabetic but was really struggling with weakness in his legs particularly getting up and going upstairs, he had been taking statins but as his cholesterol was low he stopped taking the statin with the agreement of the GP and he has bee much better.