

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi,does anyone else have issues with bananas? Twice now,I've eaten one after evening meal and my sugars seem to spike significantly, even a good few hours later.Is there another fruit anyone can recommend?
Hi,does anyone else have issues with bananas? Twice now,I've eaten one after evening meal and my sugars seem to spike significantly, even a good few hours later.Is there another fruit anyone can recommend?
Bananas and other tropical fruits, mango, pineapple are a NO NO for many who are TYpe 2 as they are the highest carb fruits.
Berries are the lowest, apples, pears, oranges it bit higher, it can depend on how ripe the fruit is and obviously portion size.
Check carbs of various fruits on the UK websites.
Such a shame as bananas were always my go-to fruit before diabetes struck. Now I stick with berries as stated above.
Pre diagnosis, bananas were always in my diet, haven't eaten one for 5 years... sigh
Hi,does anyone else have issues with bananas? Twice now,I've eaten one after evening meal and my sugars seem to spike significantly, even a good few hours later.Is there another fruit anyone can recommend?
But bananas are high carb so most diet controlled type 2s would spike after eating one.
I have not eaten a banana for getting on for 8 years now, as it would represent the usual amount I have in my evening meal in one neat package. Fruits with berry in their name are lower in carbs - blueberries are the highest so I don't eat them alone, only as part of the frozen mixtures I use to make desserts.
There are (botanical) fruits which should confer the health benefits we are told they have, such as cucumber, tomato, courgette and marrow, aubergine, avocado, etc. but without the high carb content.
Avoid tropical fruits if you want to avoid big spikes
I mostly gave up bananas, but will occasionally have half or third of one with cream or creamy Greek style natural yoghurt and perhaps a bit of grated dark chocolate. I think we have to be careful suggesting something is a "No No" It is all about what each of us can tolerate and in what portion size and perhaps what we have with it and how much we enjoy that particular food as to whether a smaller portion may be an acceptable compromise. For me a portion of a banana once in a while is a treat and having my small portion with something fatty like cream helps to slow it down. Mostly I have berries as my fruit for the day and in the autumn and winter I will also have half an apple most days with some cheese. What I am saying is that you can still play about with portion size just because a whole fruit is more carbs than your body can cope with. Share with a partner or keep the other half for another day.

@JillianGee Can I ask what the meal was that you had before the banana? I am wondering if you may have had too many slow release carbs in that meal which will almost certainly have contributed to your long lasting spike.
Also how high did your levels go? With the advent of CGM people are sometimes becoming increasingly anxious about what may be reasonably normal levels, added to which Libre and possibly other CGMs can exaggerate how high levels actually go. I don't know if you are using a sensor to monitor your levels or just finger pricks but it is something else to consider.