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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have just had my hba1c back at 88. This is the highest it's ever been. The puzzle is that I have been watching my diet and consciously avoiding sugar and making better food choices and have also lost 8lb in the past 2 months. I have no idea what is going on and I can't get an appointment with the nurse for 3 weeks. No clue what to do from here. Am on metformin 2 x 500g twice a day plus alogliptin and a whole other raft of antidepressants and stuff.
Any words of wisdom? I thought I'd been doing really well.
Many thanks.
That is so dispiriting for you @Namaste. What is your carb intake generally? Although you have been avoiding sugar, how about things like bread and potatoes?
Antidepressants can cause weight gain, but not sure what effect they have on BG levels.
I have no words of wisdom I'm afraid, just wanted to say I feel for you. This diabetes malarkey is bad enough when you're maintaining your BG let alone when it goes up x
It may be that even with all the medications you are still having too many carbs for your body to cope with.
Are you testing at home as that may help you identify any problem meals.
It is easy for 'extras' to creep into your meals or as snacks.
It might be worth going back to basics and keeping an honest food diary with an estimate of the carbs you are having, and use that along side some testing of your meals to make any changes needed or at the very least it will give you some evidence to discuss with your GP or nurse about adjusting your medication if there is nothing more you can do on the diet front.
Have a look at this link to compare what you are doing with that low carb approach.
Thank you for the replies. It could be carbs, although I have been mindful of these too.
I will start a food diary and testing again to see if I can work out what is going on.
So scared of having to go onto insulin.
A very low carb - ie virtually none - diet has worked in the past but I haven't found this sustainable or practicable.
I really need to get some medical advice, but don't know where to turn.
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Thank you for the replies. It could be carbs, although I have been mindful of these too.
I will start a food diary and testing again to see if I can work out what is going on.
So scared of having to go onto insulin.
A very low carb - ie virtually none - diet has worked in the past but I haven't found this sustainable or practicable.
I really need to get some medical advice, but don't know where to turn.
With the alogliptin it would not be wise to go with very low carb but if you work out what you are having the may be some you can trim off so you are nearer to the no more than 130g per day suggested as being low carb but be guided by your monitor.
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