Balancing Sugar Levels

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Relationship to Diabetes
Looking possibly for some advice. My dad is a type 1 diabetic and lately has been really struggling to get it under control. On a daily basis his level is dropping to around 2 either during the day or through the night and he cannot get it levelled out at all. At this stage it’s affecting him badly with mood swings and generally just down about it all.

Has anyone experienced similar and can advise on any tips. Hes been type 1 for many years. Has been at his local GP and they have referred him to the diabetes clinic which he hasn’t attended since before COVID etc.
Looking possibly for some advice. My dad is a type 1 diabetic and lately has been really struggling to get it under control. On a daily basis his level is dropping to around 2 either during the day or through the night and he cannot get it levelled out at all. At this stage it’s affecting him badly with mood swings and generally just down about it all.

Has anyone experienced similar and can advise on any tips. Hes been type 1 for many years. Has been at his local GP and they have referred him to the diabetes clinic which he hasn’t attended since before COVID etc.
Hello @Emma1990,

The simple (and glib) answer is that your Dad has too much insulin on board. But, of course, that is too simple AND we have too little background info to have any insight into the complexity of your Dad's situation. So a modest barrage of questions are necessary:

How long has your Dad been T1? How old is he?

How long has this difficulty with his D management been going on?

What insulins is he using? What insulin changes or dosing adjustments has he made - both before this started as well as in response to the current problems?

Does he have the benefit of CGM such as Libre 2 or Dexcom One? This in particular with the low level alarms should give ample warning of potentially going low & provide an opportunity to fend off lows by snacking!

Has your Dad ever done a DAFNE (or equivalent) course? If yes, has he still got the Workbook and would reviewing that provide him with an opportunity to go back to basics?

Does your Dad have any other ailments that could be significant in affecting D management?

Is your Dad aware that you are seeking outside advice and if he is not, could that make matters even more tricky? I guess I'm asking will ideas and thoughts from this Forum be useful - I'm conscious that my elder brother hated the idea of sharing his problems with others (too proud!).

Mood swings often go hand in glove with periods of D unpredictability and feeling depressed about long term D is not unusual. As I understand matters, sometimes things "change" for metabolic reasons that are by no means very clear and it's not so much a matter that it is someone's or something's fault - but rather a question of finding a resolution and moving forward once the problem is resolved. This is not necessarily very scientific - in my (non-medical) opinion managing one's D is as much of an art as it is a science.
Hi. Does your Dad adjust his mealtime (Bolus) insulin to suit the amount of Carbs in the mealtime food. This is called carb-counting. Has he 'balanced' his Basal in recent years? Over time insulin needs change and maybe the Basal needs tweak up or down.
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