Balancing Calorie Expenditure and Intake


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm trying to get a bit more active - regular lunchtime walks in addition to the dog walk right now but we're in the middle of moving house and once we do and I'm making it up hills without too much heavy breathing I'm thinking the gym to improve my fitness further and look at getting back into sport. The issue I have is that since being diagnosed and looking to reduce carbs I was losing weight before any change in exercise, if I start exercising more I'm concerned it may be too much. Tracking my food I'm often seeing between 900-1300 kcal per day when hitting my daily aims for under 25g and 120g sugar and carbs respectively.

Is this something other people struggle with at all? I'm considering asking to see a dietician to see if they can help with suggestions for food and meals since at the moment the only days I get close to 1500 kcal or higher seem to be when I'm naughty with the cheese or nuts.
The other side to things is that I was told I had very high cholesterol and have a significantly increased chance of a "cardiac event" than a normal man my age in the next 10 years so I'm also trying to watch the saturated fat intake as well. Balancing is proving tough!
Hi Mark.

Personally, I don't count calories (might be an idea for a while :confused:). I track my carbs and protein. I stopped using fat free dairy and use full fat instead. If you want to up your calories, whilst keeping your carbs in check it's what I've found to work. Just don't see it as a free ticket to have cream with everything.
Balancing is proving tough!
Tell me about it. I track my carbs, calories, saturated fat, protein, fibre and salt. That's a lot of balls to have in the air all at once and it's rare that I stay within target on all six of them on any particular day.