Bailout for A&E units only 'papering cracks' say doctors

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A ?500m government bailout for struggling accident and emergency units in England is merely "papering the cracks", doctors have said.

The British Medical Association said it was a sign that austerity had failed.

Prime Minister David Cameron accepted it was a "short-term measure" and that more needed to be done to improve A&E.

The money - which will come from existing budgets - will be deployed in A&E units and linked community services, such as pharmacies.

It comes after MPs said "confusing" and "contradictory" information relating to NHS crisis plans raised questions about whether the service would be in a position to cope better next winter.

What gets me is that ?500m is supposed to be a lot of money, but when you consider the govt. threw away ?100m on the Virgin rail franchise fiasco and we were not really supposed to notice it, it gives you some idea of their understanding of finances :(
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