Bad night

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sorry hate coming on here but it helps getting it out my system.
Yesterday at 19.00 I changed my pump cannula 21.00 checked my blood was surprised to see it had gone up to 20 mmol/L telling me that the insulin I had programmed my pump had not been absorbed. Replaced the cannula with another in different site. 23.00 felt sugary still repeated blood test
27 mmol/L took manual injections with pen in arm of 8 units. 00.00 another blood test now I'm getting quite scared as I never been this high glucose meter now says 30mmol/L
I had my last meal at 18.00 sausage pasta in tomato soup chopped tomatoes and peppers.
Had another injection in the other arm of 8 units trying not over dose went and had a hot shower to bring the blood vessels to the surface hoping to help absorption of the insulin I'd taken.
After shower 00.30 another blood test now my glucose meter can't read it it's to high.
Another injection into my stomach this time 10 units.
01.00 blood glucose levels thankfully dropping 25mmol/L fell asleep woke 6.30 blood now 20mmol/L.
Another injection stomach 10 units. Blood now 7.5mmol/L the relief awaiting phone call from Diabetic nurse Pilgrim hospital Boston to discuss problem GP said do the same
That sounds pretty scary. Glad things have calmed down now.

A few thoughts for next time
- do you have ketone strips? If your blood sugars get that high, you are at risk of DKA so you should be checking. If you have no ketone strips, please request them from your diabetic nurse and ask her about using them.
- when our blood sugars go high, we experience insulin resistance. For me, I can see this when my blood sugars get over 12. Over 15 and I need twice as much insulin to correct. On the rare occasion I have gone higher, I have needed at least 3 times as much bolus to correct. I find this very precarious as it means very high doses.
- what were you using to measure your blood sugars. All meters work on percentage accuracy so the higher the numbers, the more inaccurate they are. But CGM seem to be even worse at higher numbers (I don't trust my Libre above 8 mmol/l) so always recommend checking with a finger prick.

Hopefully you will get to the bottom of the cause and maybe learnt a few lessons on the way.

Don't worry about commenting or venting on the forum - it is what it is here for.
Wow! That is scary! Don't suppose you have had your Covid vaccine recently as that has been causing havoc for some people with high stubborn spikes.
Hope you get something sorted. Let us know what they recommend, if you don't mind.
I'm lucky I have only ever had ketone and that was when I was diagnosed in March 1980 since nothing on the ketone tester. I used to be on the same Bluetooth blood test as yours yes I know that they can be inaccurate I'm now allergic to the glue skin just rots underneath so I'm now with tender fingers finger pricking contour such connects to my pump.
As to the cause it's 30 years of the old as I call them sewing needles causing hard fat deposits under the skin I only have a small area round my navel that still but very patchy which will eventually stop absorbing the insulin until then we'll life goes on thank you for your attention.
Having my Covid jab on the 7th hope the trouble people are having is only like the flu jab which always gives me a cold. I can't complain about the flu jab as my brother in law works for the company that makes it you stay safe I presume you are working like me just take care I'm not expecting much to come from the calls I've done as I've had this problem for over 8 years
As a T2 what you went through is well out of my experience but I just wanted to say don't worry about venting on here. Its one of the functions of the forum and the membership will know exactly where you are coming from.
To the blood glucose meters yes I know they all are different I use Contour next with strips it's been I think the best one.
I'm always surprised in how sometimes low levels can effect you so differently as I've had a 3mmol/L make me drop to the floor and a 0.9 waking up and walking downstairs and feeling just a little lite headed it's not good to be low as sometimes things happen like your sight goes and reaction to some drugs like tramadol if you take this do read side effects as one is it can make diabetics low. I had just taken one ulcer on leg was murder I was walking to pick up daughter from dance class, on the way home the pill came back up I went what's that and chewed within 10 mins of chewing tablet went from 9 mmol/L to hypo loss of leggs couldn't stand lucky taken my daughters coke someone called paramedics as I collapsed on the path they came amazing how even being this low staying carm can help they took blood and couldn't believe it as it was 15 so I told them was the finger's coke on them also take blood from top of finger easyer to get blood and a lot less painful level had gone below meter reading just couldn't stand but was still able to administer glucose tablets. So always read the leaflet on Side effects you never know?
Have you changed to a new vial of insulin? That might help.
I've always found that what ever the pump says for a correction if the bs is on the high side double the dose also next time (hopefully there wont be one) also try a 200% basal increase for 2 hours and then reset it again if not coming down as needed.
If you are have absorption problems have a look at different sets IE., if you are using 90 degree sets try an angled set.
Sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time with infusion sites @NeilGilbert

Well done for reaching for the alternative delivery method. Sounds like your meal dose when missing entirely!

Do you only use your abdomen? I wonder if it might be worth asking your clinic for their advice about alternative sites. I generally use my back and sides, and I can get 3 rows with about 4-5 sites per row, per side so it’s a while before I need to rotate back around to the same space again.
I usually use the one for skinny People but Medtronic are waiting for more supplies as these do work better than the 90% ones.
Thank you I will try my sides, as my legs are no go just like my arms and top of bum I was shocked to find calcium deposits can grow in the fat deposits as I have in my legs it's like 2 lollie sticks not nice to feel
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