Bad night :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
last night i had a chinese and during the night my blood was up and down like a yoyo!!!! had chinese at 8pm, check an hour later my blood sugar is 7.8, hour later again its gone up to 14. I take insulin to bring it down and my problem is i took too much - 4 units. So i get a hypo. I eat too much and it goes high again. Same mistake again too much correction insulin - hypo and then high again. What a night!! I dont know what i was thinking with too much correction insulin and then eating too much - DOING THIS TWICE IN ONE NIGHT!!! Just sharing my BAD experience :(
Hi lo

i find myself doing that all the time too, I like to call it rage bolusing lol.

chinese is always a toughy. I find that splitting my dose with it works (even when guestimating the insulin)

seems like we both had bad nights last night 😛
Chinese is a nightmare. I bet the second high was a high from the chinese hours earlier as well as some of the hypo treatment.

I think when people have Chinese they just need to be aware they will have a nightmare evening and night and if they can accept that will happen go for it.

Even on a pump it is hard work. I've got it right a handful of times each time by sheer fluke, other times horrendous highs and lows.

I hope you are ok now. 🙂
Chinese has always been the worst. Many years ago i decided never to eat chinese ever again or eat only those bits that are not covered in sweet sauce, high carb content etc. So , i stick to those dishes that contain lots of vegetables and pulses, small amount of rice, no sauce and lots of meat.

I know it's boring but i've found it's really the only way with chinese food. The benefits of enjoyment are spoiled by the high , so for me it just isn't worth it!😱
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