Bad language

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
Earlier on I expressed my views on the use of bad language on the forum. I find it offensive. I have had a PM from someone who shall remain nameless basically telling me that i dont have the right to be offended at bad language!??? And that if I dont like it I dont have to read it and basically told me that the person who used the bad language had the right to do so - because they are having a bad time at the moment.

I *know* I dont have to read it - but the titles of the threads are there for all to see - so I fail to see how I could miss it? The same goes for any child reading the titles - like Alex does from time to time to see if there is anything of interest to him!

Well, I too am having the most awful time at the moment for personal reasons - but I dont resort to using foul language to express myself.

In my view, there is a time and a place for bad language - and a forum that is frequented by children is certainly not the right place to use it. I realise that Facebook allows this sort of thing all the time - but I thought we could have some standards on here.

So - it seems that I am not allowed to ask for respect or decency. I will now be considering my future as a member of this forum as I really dont feel that I need to be 'put in my place' by someone who uses extremely bad language themselves and thinks its acceptable at every opportunity.

p.s. I did think there was a 'sticky' about the use of bad language that had been created due to some peoples over-use of bad language who have now left the forum? Any moderators - can you tell me if I am correct?🙂Bev
Bev - I would hate to see you leave the forum, your advice and support to parents and the rest of us is invaluable. It would be a lesser place without you.

I agree with you about the use of bad language, although I have to admit I have been guilty of it myself on occassion in the glucophage and glargine - apologies. I will keep my venting to facebook in future. We have to remember that the forum is used by a broad mix of people and everyone should be respected and offensive language not used.
Hi Bev i would just like to say i agree with you 100% but please dont let the small minority chase you off from what is generally a brill site
best wishes Lynne
I might as well end any speculation before it and the ensuing witch hunt begins. It's me that Bev is riled by. I made my position clear.


You could have extended the same courtesy to me as I did to you and kept this in PM's.
I agree about genuine swearing, but I wouldn't class the title of the thread as swearing as they didn't say or even partially spell the word - and any innocent child would not get it (if they knew what "effing" meant, then obviously they've learnt the more serious word elsewhere!). However one of the replies did have the t-word in it, which is swearing so that I agree with.

I think a lot of people do it without realising - some dont even know what the t-word means (assume it is the same as "twit" when it's definitely not!).

I would hope that swearing was kept off the boards, but I do think that considering "effing" as swearing is perhaps a little too strict?
I set up this forum for everyone to use and get support from other people - and a lot of people come on here to 'vent' occasionally. I completely understand this- there are regularly things that make me swear when it comes to diabetes and its treatment! I have been venting on my own for over 30 years - hence why I began this board.

I completely support Bev 100% in being offended by bad language. I am not in anyway a prude and in no way want to stop anyone from expressing their views - but this forum is viewed by children - no one is discluded.

Please if you are angry - take 10 minutes out to consider your language before posting on here.

I do not wish to start warning people all the time for the use of bad language - whist at the same time I do not want people not using the forum because of bad language and discourtesy.

Moderating bad language is a waste of Admin's and Moderators time ? everyone on here is a volunteer and it is an abuse of their time also.

We have previously been tolerant about this, but bad language in the future will not be tolerated and abusers of this trust will be barred for 7 days.

I am closing this thread as that is the final say on the matter.
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