Bad for my blood pressure !

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Just had to let off steam to you lot ------ we've had a new development of houses built just up the road from us and the local council/postal delivery people have made a mess-up of the road numbering so some of our post has been going to an address rather like ours. When I realised this we dropped some of their post (which we had received by mistake) up to their house with a letter explaining the problem and asking if they would ring us if they got any post for us and we would collect as we are behind a gated security entrance and it's difficult to get in if you don't know the code (remember now, I'm OLD!).

We heard nothing in reply but the other day I'd asked for a new Blood Sugar meter which was unfortunately delivered to THEM instead of us. The chap living at their house came round and couldn't get in, so paced up and down in the road looking daggers at the house. OH went out to see if we could help (obviously didn't know what the problem was) only to be sworn at "for having post delivered to me" and the parcel was thrown over the gate at him - worst of all he'd OPENED it............his partner is a nurse so she must have realised someone in our house needed the meter otherwise I think it would have been thrown away (as I rather suspect other post has been, just recently).

We are now chatting rather heavily to the post office here and hope they can get something sorted (no pun intended!) - but don't some people make you cross ?

Rant over, .......
My goodness Faith, what appalling behaviour from that man! He can hardly believe that it's somehow your fault that he's getting your post - although he does seem particularly stupid so maybe he does.

Hope the Post Office can get their act together, and that the man finds a slug in the bottom of his coffee cup in the morning...😱😉 Or even better, half a slug in his sandwich!
wow my OH is a posty he just shook his head there when i read your post out, what a terrible man he sounds
Thank you both ! I do realise I sound like the typical Grumpy Old Woman but you just can't reason with some people - and I don't like the idea of someone like that living within swearing distance of me (although I know a few choice words of my own, of course).......and I DO like the idea of that SLUG, Northerner (now if I could just have it mis-delivered ???) anyway you've made me laugh again.
i just cant believe it had been opened i get mail for the previous tenant here i jus write no longer at this address and post it back to the local branch id never open anyone elses post its just common courtesy
Wow that is out of order. The guy sound completely stupid! Why would he swear at you for that?? and to open the post and then show you that they had opened it, unbelievable! Hope you get it sorted out 🙂
exactly my feelings, Stef................I feel very worried ordering anything just at present in case it goes astray again. We've had a word (or two!) with the local delivery office as I know they can flag up on our delivery round to be extra careful and I've even altered our address on some correspondence slightly so there is no excuse for it being delivered up the road. The Post Office say it's all down to the local Council who approved the new road naming etc etc and, to make matters worse, we have a new postie on this round so I can't say "well, they know our name and we've lived here longer".

Yes it will all die down but it has unsettled me - I range from anger at the yob to worry at post going missing (we lost a Building Society passbook at Xmas, luckily I've had that account stopped and a new passbook issued. I can't say for certain where it went but.....)

Anyway, thanks for your reactions, Stef and Katie. Hugs all round.
I understand how you feel. We have a similar problem. I live in Basildon Road, and quite close by is Bastion Road. We used to take stuff round to the people in Bastion Road, but they are not so nice and I don't know what they do with ours. These days I stick it back in the letter box with NOT BASILDON ROAD on it. We get taxis, pizza deliveries and all sorts of things.

Doo keep talking to the post office and whoever is responsible for this muck up and take legal advice if necessary.
Faith - I know how frustrating this is as wrongly delivered post has plagued me both in Humberside and now in Oxfordshire. Fortunately I have never had the idiocy you've had to face and our most recent postman is an absolute star whereas the postwoman we had caused absolute chaos.

Our road turns from a "Road" to a "Street" and has a "*8" and a "*B" plus we get mail for an address round the corner too - one way of meeting the neighbours though. We've had Tesco delivery vans arrive and swear blind that they have the right address plus parcel carriers put cards through the door when we've been away saying they've tried to deliver something and then you have the hassle of getting through their computerised re-deliver phone line to try to speak to a human who has some ability to sort it out!

At least none of my "diabetic" deliveries has gone astray and most use the Post Office sorting office that I can walk to if I'm out

Refreshing to start the day with a good grump tho ....
.... and of course there was the time when the local dog's rehoming service turned up to collect our dog and insisted that "Of course you have one" when they heard next door's delightful cocker spaniel barking at the frogs in his own back garden
Thank you both - it's refreshing to know that the whole thing is not a personal campaign against me anyway !
For the most part our delivery people are not too bad. Our main problems are when someone new starts or the hire in casual staff for busy periods. Then there are all the people who don't know the correct adress to send things to and there is no return adress.

A few times we have had firms adress things to us and they are for someone else. I just write or email and give them 28 days to collect the goods, unless they are perishable. If the goods are not collected in that time they become mine...
I just want to add here like i said earlier my OH is a posty so if vince or anyone else has any queries about there service or any questions he said he is happy to see if and what he can find out for anyone

cheers x
we had a bad case of this a couple of year ago when our council decided to rename a road about 3 miles away with the same name as the road we live on. cant tell you how much trouble that caused. i often had to take post round to them and vice versa. lucky for us they were a very nice elderly couple and have since became good friends with them. i often pop round to see brenda and bert for a cuppa and a chat. we got together with both the council and the post office to remedy this and got a solution sorted by where the council tweeked the name of the other road slightly. we hardly ever have parcels delivered to our home address as i work away for extended periods and my partner is a nurse in a care home and works crazy shifts sometimes. however when we got post delivered for brenda and bert we didnt open it out of courtesy and i programed the postcode into my satnav so i could deliver it to the correct address. we found the problem was that the road had a similar postcode to ours and there in lied the problem as a lot of the sorting is done by computer aided machinery. only when it comes to the actual local sorting office is it then manually handled but if the postcode is close to others they tend to be in the same batch even if the road is not on the said posties round so he will the try and deliver it to the address that closest matches the one he has on the letter with the one that is on his rounds.
Stef, thank your OH for that. We are going through the "proper channels" about this and I will pm you if I need any further advice/help from him. I only put this thread on as a rant and am SO impressed by your (and others) input. Thank you again and if I'm still frustrated by the situation (and I hope it doesn't happen again obviously!) I'll be back to you privately. I can't, and don't, blame the individual postie, it's the road-naming lot that have messed it all up !!! Hugs,
You're right, Mike, I think our problem is that we have only one letter of our postcode different but our address is 11....Court, then the Lane, Town address whereas "they" are just number 11....Lane, Town and it is easy to mix it up - only the nastiness of the guy threw me. We are chatting to the local Council (mostly a lot of twerps but then....we are in a little backwater here) and the post office people are putting a note on our address at the sorting office so hopefully it won't happen again. Regards
thats not a problem vince13 anytime 🙂
How awful of that horrid man! Why would he blame you for something the postman has done?
How about you use some reverse physocology on him and go and see him explaining you feel sorry for him having to put up with such a rubbish postman and offer your help in sorting it out! You could write a 'joint' complaint etc..

Or if he is so obnoxious that you couldnt bare even speaking to him again - try to collar the postman and march him round to the other address and all sort it out together!

Failing that - send him something horrible through the post (joking):D Bev
No, Bev, I couldn't trust myself to go near that chap ! You might read next day "little old lady up on a murder charge !" (joking).

No, we'll do it through the proper channels - talking to Post Office and local council a) to stop any further problems with deliveries which the Post Office promise to do and b) the local council willl have to make some kind of amendment to the way the postal area is described, making their part of the Lane a "Close" or "Walk" or something to show the difference from our "Court".

Anyway it will get put behind us I'm sure, but thanks for your support......How is Alex now ?
Good luck, I hope this mess gets sorted out for you. If we do read Little old lady on a murder charge, I'll refer the police to this forum and say it was provoked...
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