Bad Day

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Had my retinopathy appointment yesterday. Had to go into work for a couple of hours before the exam where I had some bad news. I'm being moved to another role in the company which pays less than half my current wages.

Had to drive home and park the car before walking to the doctors for my eye exam. Had the drops (which I HATE) and started feeling hypo while I was waiting for the photos to be taken. Unfortunatley, didn't have anything on me at the time to treat the hypo, so had to walk to the the local high street chemist to get something (That was the nearest shop anyway)

Feeling quite ill and a little confused by this time, I got some (overpriced) clucose tabs and went to pay for them. The person behind the counter asked if I had their store card which I had. Being in the confused state I was though I pulled out the wrong card and gave it to her. She was quite rude and rushed the transaction through before I could get the right card out and give it to her. Then was very unhappy when I did give her the right card, saying she had rung it though already. I appologised and tried to explain I was hypo but she didn't seem to care.

Whilst walking home, had a few strange looks from a couple of police officers I passed (due to the dilated pupils I expect) and one woman who physically flinched as I walked past. Didn't make me feel good.

Managed to get home anyway and was feeling really ill. Not hypo by this point (12mmol/l) but had terrible pains in my legs and was suffering from a bad headache due to the drops. I think I must have built up some ketones from the walking, but had run out of strips to test.

Couldn't do anything else for the rest of the day. Just had to lie down and close my eyes.
Sorry you had a bad experience with your retinal examination, Alan, but why didn't you have something in your pockets to treat a hypo? It's a legal requirement to have some quick acting and long acting carbohydrate when driving (I realise you had parked your car, then walked), but makes sense at all times. Also, why didn't you have sunglasses with you - makes the few hours after pupil dilating drops much more comfortable, although not necessarily painless.

Not good news about your wages, either, but better to keep a job than end up with nothing, in this economic climate - gives you a bit of breathing space to look around, perhaps?
Goodness Alan, glad you managed to get home safe and sound at least. I guess, with the hypo symptoms and dilated pupils you must have looked as though you were drugged up to the eyeballs! It's funny how we soldier on when we really should probably tell someone. I had one of my worst hypos once in a supermarket. I knew I was probably acting strangely, and thought to myself 'I should tell a member of staff', but I got some sweets, felt too nervous about eating them in the checkout queue, so waited until I had bought them and got outside. By this time I was really woozy!

Hope you are feeling better soon.:)
That sounds like a horrible experience Alan. I have had a couple of occasions recently when I have been caught out without hypo treatment or strips, on one occasion I had to go all the way home from work to get strips, as I was about to do an evening shift with only a security guard and I did not feel comfortable being without any strips.

I feel for you with your job situation too. My work have recently lost a lot of funding and are currently running a voluntary redundancy scheme and will probably have to sack more people depending on the takeup of the VR. It is a really bad time at the moment and the stress really doesn't help our blood sugars.
Sorry to hear your news Alan.

I normally go through my check list and get someone to take me if drops are a possibility.
This time of year I found to my horror that having left the car, when I thought i needed to do a bs test the temp was well below the operating range of the test meter.
Picked up a new one at the hospital which is pocket size and I can keep warm.

Hope you soon feel better.
Sorry you had a bad experience with your retinal examination, Alan, but why didn't you have something in your pockets to treat a hypo? It's a legal requirement to have some quick acting and long acting carbohydrate when driving (I realise you had parked your car, then walked), but makes sense at all times.
Normally, I do have something even though I'm not generally prone to hypos. I think it was just a combination of being in a rush, not having the car (I'd left that at home and walked to the doctors) and just pure bad luck that I didn't have anything when I needed it.
Also, why didn't you have sunglasses with you - makes the few hours after pupil dilating drops much more comfortable, although not necessarily painless.
I always make a point of taking sunglasses to my retinopathy tests, especially as I usually have the bad luck to have it sone on the brightest day possible (even in the middle of winter). Even with my prescription lenses though, I still tend to get headaches.
Hope things are a bit brighter today

What a horrid horrid day Alan - one thing after another - I hope you are feeling a wee bit better today. I am never ever without glucose now as I have had too many experiences like that and it is awful and find everything seems worse by 10 fold if I have low bood sugar. (Northerner ? I do have a tendency to go low in supermarkets - no idea why?! and was with my Mom once and she just opened a can of coke off the shelf for me and paid for it once she had finished shopping! I's like to have seen anyone try to argue with her and me in a heap!). Anyway Alan - I digress - as far as your job goes - is it legal just to move someone sideways in a job and reduce their wages? Have they given you a reason for this? if it is due to diabetes you will have a case under the equality laws. I am currently designing a handbook all about this!
... as far as your job goes - is it legal just to move someone sideways in a job and reduce their wages? Have they given you a reason for this? if it is due to diabetes you will have a case under the equality laws. I am currently designing a handbook all about this!
It's a long and complicated story, and is largely down to depression and other illnesses. They are covering themselves under the DDA by offering me an alternative to my usual job rather than just letting me go.

As far as the DDA, it's pretty toothless, as it states that 'reasonable adjustments' can be made. This takes into account what is financially viable for the company, for example, they are not required to create a new role just to keep someone in employment. They are offering me the new position stating that that's the only suitable alternative position available. At least they are reducing my wages gradually over six months, and allowing me to apply for other positions if they become available.
Normally, I do have something even though I'm not generally prone to hypos. I think it was just a combination of being in a rush, not having the car (I'd left that at home and walked to the doctors) and just pure bad luck that I didn't have anything when I needed it.

I always make a point of taking sunglasses to my retinopathy tests, especially as I usually have the bad luck to have it sone on the brightest day possible (even in the middle of winter). Even with my prescription lenses though, I still tend to get headaches.

But if you were wearing sunglasses, how could passers-by see your dilated pupils and react by flinching?

Possibly worth speaking to someone who specialises in employment law regarding your job move - law centre, union or professional body (if you're a member). But as others have said, it's all about "reasonable adjustments" - and you and your employer are likely to have different views about the definition.
Alan, hope you are feeling better by now.

It is easily done to sometimes forget to take glucose etc at all times. I have loads of dextrose tabs, by the bed, kitchen cupboard, car, work bag, hand bags you name it. however, a couple of days ago rushed out to supermarket, was half way round and realised i hadnt put any in my new bag. yes started to immediately panick, but thought its ok, i have some in the car and im in a supermarket can just eat something if necessary....didnt stop me checking my bg right there in the aisle!! we can all do it sometimes, we are only human :eek:

sorry to hear about your job, hope things get better soon
Sorry to hear about your bad day. I hope you are feeling better now. Also sorry to hear about job and cut in salary. There is nothing to stop you looking for a better or beteer paid job. Not easy in a recession, but keep your chin up and keep on in there. We are on your side and we all get bad days from time to time.

Thursday was a bad day for me, or at least it felt like it on the day. I had to give up a days leave to visit the firms health care people because I've had lots of sick leave. That meant I didn't get the couple of hours to myself I'd been looking forward to. Compared to what you have just been through, my day wa nothing!
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