Bad day

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, i've had a really strange day, woke up at 6.30, took dog for a walk, did bloods 9.2, had toast for breakfast, was feeling a bit shakey at 10.30 so i had my sandwich, felt really sleepy an hour later, did bloods, 9.2 again, a few hours later i was really shakey so went to shop and bought a sandwich, went back to work and felt so ill, my hands were shaking so much i could barley get the blood on the strip, had gone down to 5 (after sandwich) someone had bought some chocolates in for us so i had a bit, 10 mins later bg was 9.0 but didn't feel any difference really, felt really off for nearly an hour. people kept asking if i was ok cos i wasn't with it.

Feel sleepy again now so going to have a nap for an hour.

didn't like today at all.

Julie x
Oh dear... Doesn't sound pleasant at all... Maybe you're brewing for some kind of illness? I hope you feel better soon!
Hi Proudspirit,

Hope you sort yourself out soon.

Not sure what to advise, but being shakey at 5 isn't unusual for me either as I'm not a perfect blood.

I've had a few days recently where I've felt like death warmed up, but levels were okayish, no big swings either, just no reason, I didn't have anything in the post or owt.

I've also been finding myself very tired, and am trying not to blame it on the D word, but I might have to!
...I've also been finding myself very tired, and am trying not to blame it on the D word, but I might have to!

Hi Julie, sorry to hear you've been having 'one of those days'. Rossi does make a good point though - I find that I tend to forget that I had days like that before D, when I wasn't blessed with the knowledge of my levels and trying to reconcile that with how I was feeling. Sometimes it hasn't got anything to do with it (not saying yours hasn't!)

Hoping tomorrow is a better day🙂
Hi Julie

Hope you are feeling bit better now. Maybe you are going to come down with somthing.

Take good care of yourself. 🙂
hi julie how are you now ? hope u feel alot better xx
Feeling much better thanks, Today has just been how i felt for ages before going to the gp, i don't know how i coped!

My daughter is full of a cold so maybe thats in store for me as there was no reason for ups and downs at all, apart from i ran out of Burgen bread and had 50/50, surely that can't be it!

Anyway hope tomorrow is better

Thanks for your replies guys

Julie xx
pleased to hear you feel alot better julie x
Hi Julie,
Sorry to hear you've had a rough day. I cant offer much more advice than what everyone else has - but just wanted to say i hope you have a better day tomorrow!:DBev x
Sorry you were having such a bad day. That was a big drop quickly from 9 to 5, so that would account for some of it.

When my numbers are high and I feel like that, I am usually brewing a cold or something. Also get very tearfull with it. Last time I had tonslitis which I am still getting over.

Keep an eye on things, and see doc if you feel unwell. Hope you are feeling better.
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