Bad day

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well I was 3.3 when I got up today and then thing went from bad to worse now I am at 11.6 but thats not all. Hubby went to bed said he was unwell and stayed ther all day only to start a hypo at 14.00 and it took untill 17.15 before he was ok agen I thought with all the running up and down to get him right that by BGs would have been lower but gess it just one of them days sorry for the rant on but needed to . Hope everyone on hear is ok at least today:(
Sorry to hear you have had a bad day both of you seem to have had it rough, hope the numbers settle down for both of you hun.X
o no what a day:( Do you think hubby 'coming down with something'? or was it 'just' BS levels? Hope you dont get it to - must be awful with both of you feelin bad. Hope tpmorrow better for you both (((hugs)))
o no what a day:( Do you think hubby 'coming down with something'? or was it 'just' BS levels? Hope you dont get it to - must be awful with both of you feelin bad. Hope tpmorrow better for you both (((hugs)))

no he just dident get any thing to eat hes up now and driving me mad with the heating on saying hes cold dont think hes coming down with anything but its not like him to not eat I am fine well think so thanks
Hope you both feel better soon 🙂
This cold weather has played havoc with my sugars today, hypo 3am and then another after lunch which didn't want to respond at all. Maybe it's affected you too.xx
Oh no, poor you! I've had a pretty similar day, 3.2 upon waking but DH bought me breakfast in bed so that was a change! Low mid morning then ok til 4pm when I was 3.8 ... yesterday pretty similar, couldn't leave work due to hypo preventing me from driving.

Hope tomorrow is a much better day for you both.
HI everone well hubby was ok to day he has gone off to the scout camp he goes there to hell for the day. But me well I was 4.1 at 3.30 and Ihad some dextro tablets and when I got up I was 1.9 but still walking about got my self sorted and just have a bad head now but fine. Droping the BI agen to night I think but BGs have been up since I started droping it agen dont want to be ill like last month but I dont want to change the ratios untill I get the BI right well I think thats what I should do. Ill see what happens today:(
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