Bad Cold with Type 2.

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello to All Members,
I,ve got a Bad Cold, Chest and runny nose and feel terrible,i,ve been on Robtussin and paracetomal but it hasunt shifted it.
Anyone know of any other medication thats safe to take with type 2, pls,regards, Peter Campbell,in Blackburn, Lancs.
Hi Peter, sorry you're feeling poorly - join the club! I'm afraid the only true cure for a cold is time. A hot toddy might help a bit, if only psychologically! It's a personal choice - I do allow myself an occasional Day Nurse capsule when symptoms are at their worst, but I know it can raise blood sugar so I don't overdo it. Hope you feel better soon.
Welcome to the forum, Peter. For advice about medication, it's best to speak with a pharmacist. Meanwhile, keep eating and drinking. You'll almost certainly find blood sugar levels higher than normal with an infection.
Hi Peter, welcome to the forum 🙂 As Copepod says, your p[harmacist is the best person to advise about suitable meds. I hope that you are feeling much better very soon. Are you on any diabetes medications?
Colds are just one of those things you have to work your way through and making yourself feel better is all you can really hope for. Freshly squeezed lemon juice, some hot water and a bit of a sweetener like truvia is my favourite, occasionally with a tot of whisky or rum.

A few drops of olbas oil at the edge of the pillow keeps the airways open at night and gives that comforting menthol aroma that says, it must be that time of year again.

Oh, and a couple of paracetamol to help me pretend it is medicine.
If it's any consolation I've had a bad cough for about 4 weeks. My GP gave me some antibiotics but I fear it's just that time of year...

Olbas oil is good for opening the tubes though, as yorksman says, and maybe some hot mulled wine..? 🙂
Another vote for Olbas oil from me! I put a few drops on a handkerchief so I can take the occasional sniff - helps a lot. Also, Halls cherry menthol sweets are sugar-free 🙂
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