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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Im feeling soo fed up at the moment.
Trying to loose weight, sort my levels out etc.
One prob - My back!!!!!!!!! I have had back problems for 4 years and doc has never taken me seriously!
Its been so bad Ive spent more days in bed in the last 2 weeks than I have out of it! :'(
Going to book another appointment with him tomoz and DEMAND something to be done.
How can I loose weight when I cant even get out of bed !

GRRRRR *Breathes*

Ok Rant over - Sorry
Now this one I can help with, I don't have the dreaded D but I do have bad back aches, I think it runs in my family and my weight does not help. Well after two weeks of bad back, not being able to stand up properly and in pain I was recommended this guy by lots of people so I booked on Friday and went.

What I wasn't expecting was that he did accupunture 😱

I hate needles, verging on a phobia. Have no problem sticking them in Jessica or anyone else actually but not me. So I grinned and beared with it. It did not hurt at all, I didn't even know. At the end of the session I stood up straight !! By that evening I was standing straighter. Saturday I walked around the shops. Today I have been out all day standing and sitting and parading with brownies etc etc. I will go again and again to him now every time I have a problem.

He told me he specialises in helping pain but others do other things. Find an accupuncturist Louise and go asap. Seriously it is amazing if you find a good one who specialises. 🙂
If you don't get any joy, do what I did with my arm problems. Cal NHS Direct (0845 4647) and ask for advice. They may send you to see a duty doctor or to A&E which will force your doctor to pay attention. I didn't realise it at the time I was just in pain and it was out of hours, but the call made it into my records about two weeks later and I got a referral to a physio.
Ohhh ok will do =) Thank you Alison xx
Now this one I can help with, I don't have the dreaded D but I do have bad back aches, I think it runs in my family and my weight does not help. Well after two weeks of bad back, not being able to stand up properly and in pain I was recommended this guy by lots of people so I booked on Friday and went.

What I wasn't expecting was that he did accupunture 😱

I hate needles, verging on a phobia. Have no problem sticking them in Jessica or anyone else actually but not me. So I grinned and beared with it. It did not hurt at all, I didn't even know. At the end of the session I stood up straight !! By that evening I was standing straighter. Saturday I walked around the shops. Today I have been out all day standing and sitting and parading with brownies etc etc. I will go again and again to him now every time I have a problem.

He told me he specialises in helping pain but others do other things. Find an accupuncturist Louise and go asap. Seriously it is amazing if you find a good one who specialises. 🙂

Are they expensive?

I have a lump under my rib cage that Ive had for longer but the pain sometimes feel like its going right through my back to the lump n visa versa. Went to the docs about this too and he said it was just a fatty lump :'( So went to a diff doc and he said the same.

Im just so fed up of being in pain its really getting me down. Suffer from depression anyway but was getting that under control too before my back started up again.
It cost me ?30 for an hour and any others will be ?25, not bad, no more than a oesteopath or chiropractor.
okies, I might have to beg the other half lol =)
Hubby had quite a few problems with his back. Do call NHS direct, and wheather they advise it or not go to A&E. This will help concentrate your doctors mind and encourage him to help you a bit more.

We found sitting in a warm bath with a couple of drops of lavender oil helped and keeping his back as warm as possible. Sometimes we used muscle rub to help ease any muscle spams or knots, but if you are wary about using anything like that seek advice.

I hope you feel better soon.
Hi There
Well i can help you here.....i have had back probs for years now it has only been the last 4yrs i have been properly diagnosed, i did my back in lifting at work, in the nursing trade.
This can be a very long process to go through & i really do know what agonising pain you are in.
Physio is the 1st step, given certain gentle exercises while being refered to a clinic, this can go on for ages, i was sent for various xrays, then finaly the MRI scan which eventually finds the problem.
Yes the pain is so unbearable & cannot walk for days but you do need some movement altho the pain is really bad it does help, i know it is very depressing too. Physio does help may not think it will the first couple of visits, but it does get easier. Try and cut out the middleman and get an MRI scan asap that is lot quicker, but some hospitals won't do that till they do all other tests. i have only been walking the past 2 years but i do still have my flare ups occassionally. Hope you get sorted quicker than i did.
Feel free to leave a private message & i will contact you privately if you like.
Hope the accupunture works if you take that route.
may i ask what meds are you on for the pain?.
With my backache I just needed instant relief, I couldn't wait for the physio to start working.

An update on the accupuncture. Today my back is as good as new (well as new as you can get for a 41 year old). I am still amazed.

Yep sweet talk the other half, otherwise tell him I will visit and sit on him and that will hurt and he will have to fork out for two people to see an accupuncturist !🙂
hahahaha! I do love you Adrienne you make me giggle x
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