Back with a bang ;)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey everyone, sorry that i haven't posted in so long.
i dont know if any of you will remember or not but i had my pump taken off me due to my hba1c being over 10. i was going throuhg a lot of personal stress, which i dont really wish to go into right now and also the person that was training me on how to use the pump was sacked for gross misconduct.
however i have been referred to a brand new team and been to see them today and my pump is going right back on as of about 5 minutes time :D im realllllllllllly excited, hello again extended gym trip, different basals for different working shifts and safe drinking
woooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry but im just so happy
and i know that only u guys will understand xxx
hey everyone, sorry that i haven't posted in so long.
i dont know if any of you will remember or not but i had my pump taken off me due to my hba1c being over 10. i was going throuhg a lot of personal stress, which i dont really wish to go into right now and also the person that was training me on how to use the pump was sacked for gross misconduct.
however i have been referred to a brand new team and been to see them today and my pump is going right back on as of about 5 minutes time :D im realllllllllllly excited, hello again extended gym trip, different basals for different working shifts and safe drinking
woooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry but im just so happy
and i know that only u guys will understand xxx

Hi Kitten,
That is such good news - it was awful what happened to you. Without going into detail - was the person sacked as a result of how you were treated.😱🙂Bev
i remember you kitten ...and I am soooooo please you got a new team sure what you went through was illegal.... so am very pleased for you that you are pumping again !🙂 good luck x
Great news kitten so pleased to hear things are on the up, good luck and hope you have a good xmas xx
ty so much for everything everyone 😉 sorry that the smiley seems to be cheekily winking but my colon part of the button wont work! only the cheeky semi colon!
bev - no it wasnt as a result of what happened to me. this nurse was i thought very lovely and had been caring for meo n the pump before i had it taken off me but apparently she had been telling me what to do wrongly. but she wore a pump hersel;f so i dont really get this tbh its all very puzzling! onwards and upwards tho! xxxx
Fantastic news 🙂 I'm so glad you got sorted!!!

Your story made my blood boil when I first read it so I'm really pleased you got a good result!
Of course we remember you! Great news, let us know how it all goes, 🙂
Fantastic :D hope you get a better Hba1c next time too, just to you can stick your finger up to them 😱:D
Hello kitten, really good to hear that matters have moved in the right direction for you. Just from the tone of what you have written here it appears tat you are now much happier with the treatment and support you are getting and that in itself must help you feel healthier and more engaged with tackling the issues that are encountered when on the pump regime.

I really hope that 2011 proves to be a very successful year with the pump for you and that this is soon reflected in both your general wellbeing and your HbA1c results.
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