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Back to work


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Well got on well at the Diabetic Nurse today and even though getting kept on insulin for the time being, on the whole she is pleased with my progress.

She asked if I was still off work and I said yes and she asked did I want to go back and I said yes but a bit apprehensive about the whole thing. She asked why and we had a long chat and this resulted in her saying speak to work about it and also the doc about going back

Spoke to the doctor this afternoon and she has allowed me to go back to work since I only work 3 days a week. Im so glad to be going back and I also phoned manager to let her know and she was really nice and Im going in to work tomorrow to sort out the issues I have

So fingers crossed all goes well

hi BB

hope all goes well and pleased you are on way back to work

Glad your feeling more positive about it all now! Good luck.:DBev
Sounds positive and encouraging news Ally. Good to hear it