Back to square one again !!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well been on pump for 6 months and everything was perfect blood sugars down and as near to perfect as possible for the first time in years and years ,then had a beeavement and lots of stress and my bs just went totally haywire , so for the past few weeks have had to start all over again with new basal doses (they have leapt up quite a bit as well ),Also finding a few other problems with pump although i still wouldnt giive it back ! I am getting lumps eveytime i change cannula even tho changing every day ,im getting bad reactions to the sticking plaster and every dose im delivering is eye wateringly stinging , if these are things i have to put up with for the sake of better bs then so but it , but any suggestions would be great thanks~ Jenny
Hiya Jenny...

From what you e said in the past I've every confidence you'll have those basals nailed in no time. Stress does muck things up - something I'd not noticed til recent - and a loss is one of the biggest you can get. You have my thoughts kidda.

As for you're lumps n bumps, are these since you swapped cannula? I'm still on the old ones and get a few along with the stingers. I started swapping it every 2 rather than 3 days and although I still get some they're not quite as bad. Still waiting to see the nurses about alternative gear as Roche won't send any out til I've been trained up... Can't be that hard surely!?!

Anyway... Still waiting.

All the best with it all and hope things buck up sharpish for you.
Well been on pump for 6 months and everything was perfect blood sugars down and as near to perfect as possible for the first time in years and years ,then had a beeavement and lots of stress and my bs just went totally haywire , so for the past few weeks have had to start all over again with new basal doses (they have leapt up quite a bit as well ),Also finding a few other problems with pump although i still wouldnt giive it back ! I am getting lumps eveytime i change cannula even tho changing every day ,im getting bad reactions to the sticking plaster and every dose im delivering is eye wateringly stinging , if these are things i have to put up with for the sake of better bs then so but it , but any suggestions would be great thanks~ Jenny

Hi Jenny, sorry to hear you are having problems. (((((((((hugs))))))))
Skin reactions to the sticky. Have you tried some cavilon spray? This is a barrier from the stick. Which can be had on prescription.
There is also skin tac, which is not on prescription but you can have a free sample to try from the company. If you buy ask for VAT relief and also very carefully fold the product back into the package and it can be used 4 times for 1 sachet.
Insulin stinging and lumps......... Have you tried a different insulin? It's also an off chance but can the rate of delivery be changed on your pump? The faster the delivery the more painfull it would be.
With my pump I can set a time for giving the bolus ie., 1 min 2 mins and up to 5 mins.
Also have a chat with your pump company and explain about the lumps and ask if it's pos a reaction to the cannula it's self. If this is the case then try other types, the company should be able to send you some samples to try.
As to your basal you have it spot on start from scratch again is the best option. I had to do it a couple of months ago but worth the effort.

Hope things improve for you soon.

Thunderbolt ~ as you know they recalled flexi link plus cannulas so they replaced with the old flexilink but to be honest getting the probs with both , thanks for your kind words in your own unique style 😉

Sue ~ when i asked about cavilon spray doc wasnt sure but gave me the cavilon barrier gel which didnt help much, sue what pump do you have ? i have theb accu chek combo and havent be told that it has a changeable delivery rate this coulsd be the answer tho iof it has one ,thanks for your kind words too 😱
Sue ~ when i asked about cavilon spray doc wasnt sure but gave me the cavilon barrier gel which didnt help much, sue what pump do you have ? i have theb accu chek combo and havent be told that it has a changeable delivery rate this coulsd be the answer tho iof it has one ,thanks for your kind words too 😱

Hi Jenny,
it sounds as if you need to try some different cannula's, have a chat with your DSN and see what she can sugest.
I have the spray and it works very well for me. But do try skin tac as well
The pump I have is the Cozmo 1800. I'm due for a new pump soon as warranty is almost up on this one but from what I have read about other pumps they all have the feature for changing the deliver speed.
Have a look in set up on your pump.
Or give Ellie a shout, as she has the same pump. 🙂
I know nothing whatsoever about pumps and all the unique problems they bring, but I want to say I'm sorry to hear about your loss and the associated knock on problems you're having. I hope you get things sorted soon. Hugs. XXXXX
Thank you Blythespirit
The change of cannular/set and using a barrier cream have already been covered..

Two other causes of stinging can be caused by either Ph balance or dose size...

Dose size large doses can sting when they are bolused in one shot... two ways of resolving this is too slow the bolus delivery down (as suggested by Sue) or using a lower more tollerable dose..

Unfortunately on the Combo, it doesn't have the feature that slows the actual standard bolus speed down... But there is a work around to this though..

You use the extended bolus at it's lowest setting of 15 minutes, it may with some foods take a little bit of working out to prevent spikes from happening, as you may have to extend the time before eating to bolus for particular foods so that you avoid large spikes after eating..

So if you do a straight bolus normally 10 minutes before you eat, then you may have to had another 5,10,15 minutes on this to give the insulin a chance to get up steam... A case of trial and erorr though I'm a friad..

This may mean that you have to rethink a Multiwave bolus, replacing this with two extended bolus, first extended bolus to cover the first part of the multiwave, and the second extended bolus set for the second part..
Thanks for advice Ellie , its a shame combo hasnt got a speed for delivery rate it would make things so much easier
No idea if this would help (or even if it's advisable) but I've found a wee bit of pressure takes the sting away. It worked with the butterfly needles on the old pump of yesteryear as well.
Must admit not the greatest work around I know and suprised that Roche didn't follow suit of other pump manufacturers, after all they've had plenty of time seeing what other manufacturers were heading before they up graded their spirit pump😱

Hopefully they won't be so slow to upgrade the Combo as they were the spirit pump and start looking at what other pump manfacuters are doing..
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