back to normality?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey guys, I posted a few weeks back about having no appetite and being in a constant state of hypo because of it, well im glad to say that my appetite has fully returned :D
My blood sugars in particular for the past 3 days have been between 4 - 7, which I guess is my target as I dont like going above 8 🙄
I am curious though, as my lantus dose has went up since a few weeks back and im taking 38 u in morning and going to bed on 6, then when I wake I am on 4.7 ish.... do think that this must just be the amount I need to maintain my blood sugars, when I spoke to the doctor last week he though it was a bit much 😱

Im glad to say also that im recognising a hypo at 3.5 as opposed to LO on my meter and I have not had one for 3 days :D
Can't comment on the lantus as I don't know enough about it, but I am pleased everything else is comming back to normal and you are eating better.
Glad you're back to your normal self. And brilliant that you're recognising the hypos sooner!! 🙂

I don't know about your lantus amounts, but I find it strange that the doc says it's too much. I always thought that there is no set amount of background insulin for anyone. But I have to admit C's doc thought that her 19 levemir at bedtime was a bit much. Well, that's what she needs!!!!!
😛 at them :D
I am not sure about your meds.

But was on 28 insulatard, and 10 then 12 then 12 novorapid.

Now i am on 26, 6/8 , 12 and 16/18. Whcih fits me more and my doctor is happy about.

I'd make sure you see another doctor or nurse before you change anything.

We are all different and different things suit us better.

Glad your feeling better 🙂 🙂

Hey lou

Glad that things have returned to normal, if those amounts are working for you then how can they be too much. I was told something similar by my dsn whilst I was pregnant so I changed it and then had weeks of high's:confused: sometimes they don't give the best of advice. Really good news that the hypo's have stopped happening so much too 😉

Glad you are feeling better Lou, I would not worry about the amount of Lantus you are taking, we all need different amounts - if it is working for you stick with it

Oh I will be keeping it the same, Im liking these numbers to much to fiddle with it at the moment lol
The doctor I seen was one from my surgery, who is the one clued up about diabetes (supposedly)
I see my dsn in 3 weeks time, im sure 38 u is not a bit much if its working, so im certain she will tell me the same....
I know it sounds bad but sometimes when I see a gp I just half heartedly agree with what they say as i have found no benefit of challenging their view 🙄
Talk about having faith in primary care.....

I remember my consultant telling me to cut back last year from 34u but at the time i was having hypos right left and centre, so the fact im on 38 and im having good numbers must just be what I need to take now 🙄 (ill just ignore what the gp says, and see the clinic) 😉
Yeah I feel exactly the same the gp's don't know enough about the condition so I always stick to my dsn if I need any help xx
I dont think I have ever spoken to my GP about my diabetes control - It has always been dealt with through the clinic
I dont think I have ever spoken to my GP about my diabetes control - It has always been dealt with through the clinic

Dont start then rachel lol He was asking about it on the passing as I was there for another reason, he just got me paranoid I was taking too much 🙄 x
Well done Lou, glad your getting back to "normal" x
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