Back to low fat and semi-skimmed then, bah humbug


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Throughout my low carb journey, I have been easily able to lose weight but still enjoy full fat products like yogurt and cream in coffee but it seems this enjoyable state of affairs is now at an end :(

My weight had been stable at just under 13 stone for 6 months or so (I was 20 stone when diagnosed) but it’s now steadily creeping up despite not changing anything with my diet. I also now have what I think is flippin gout!! Although yet to be confirmed medically.

I’m kinda miffed because my diet isn’t HIGH fat just FULL fat but I’m obviously not tolerating it at all. I’ve put on nearly a stone in 5 weeks despite swimming 4 times a week, walking 5 miles a day and eating properly.

Ah well, there’s worse things happen at sea. I shall swap to low fat guck before all my good work is undone and I revert back to my old ways and give up even trying.
Oh dear, what a shame after all good work. Hope the changes make a difference
Throughout my low carb journey, I have been easily able to lose weight but still enjoy full fat products like yogurt and cream in coffee but it seems this enjoyable state of affairs is now at an end :(

My weight had been stable at just under 13 stone for 6 months or so (I was 20 stone when diagnosed) but it’s now steadily creeping up despite not changing anything with my diet. I also now have what I think is flippin gout!! Although yet to be confirmed medically.

I’m kinda miffed because my diet isn’t HIGH fat just FULL fat but I’m obviously not tolerating it at all. I’ve put on nearly a stone in 5 weeks despite swimming 4 times a week, walking 5 miles a day and eating properly.

Ah well, there’s worse things happen at sea. I shall swap to low fat guck before all my good work is undone and I revert back to my old ways and give up even trying.
Oh dear what a nuisance. I keep to low carb and also lowish fat because of the cholestrol/saturated fat issue. So much to learn. No end to learning
If you want a quick win without compromising check out the filtered milk.
I switched to the filtered skimmed milk, as it is virtually indistinguishable from semi-skimmed milk.
I've not tried it, but I'd guess the filtered semi-skimmed may be a good swap for full fat milk.
By the time you add up all the milk used through the day (including in drinks), that can be a sizeable chunk of fat in the diet.
Throughout my low carb journey, I have been easily able to lose weight but still enjoy full fat products like yogurt and cream in coffee but it seems this enjoyable state of affairs is now at an end :(

My weight had been stable at just under 13 stone for 6 months or so (I was 20 stone when diagnosed) but it’s now steadily creeping up despite not changing anything with my diet. I also now have what I think is flippin gout!! Although yet to be confirmed medically.

I’m kinda miffed because my diet isn’t HIGH fat just FULL fat but I’m obviously not tolerating it at all. I’ve put on nearly a stone in 5 weeks despite swimming 4 times a week, walking 5 miles a day and eating properly.

Ah well, there’s worse things happen at sea. I shall swap to low fat guck before all my good work is undone and I revert back to my old ways and give up even trying.
Personally, I'd be a bit suspicious for what was going on in your shoes. Almost a stone in 5 weeks, without any changes seems odd.

Might be an idea to have some bloods done. I'd want my thyroid checked out, but obviously you might learn a bit about your gout along the way.

Very frustrating
Well, now I'm REALLY miffed. Confirmed as bloomin gout today at docs :(

My only food joy left has been full fat yogurt. To be fair I do eat it every day but surely not enough to cause gout!! Hey ho, I shall restrict myself even more. Pretty soon there won't be any joy left in food at all.

Sorry for the pity post, I'm just feeling a bit fed up today.

Doc is also sending me for allsorts of blood tests to check uric acid, cholesterol (again), another HbA1c, LFTs etc.
I am sorry. My also diabetic husband had a bout of gout recently. But he also has kidney stones, so it's a bit of a thing with him. I can recommend Arla Bob skimmed milk. I have it in coffee and it does taste like semi skimmed. (Clever people!)