Don’t shoot the messenger! I’ve just read it. it’s a diet article not a Diabetes article, so it doesn’t mention Type 2.
Basically he’s saying, the basic law of physics underpins energy in/energy out, and it’s vital to have a calorie deficit to lose weight. But he admits that your body will do everything in its power to get you to eat more, if you cut down. Hence, he says, diets such as eating a lot of fibre, or low carb ones, will work, because they help you feel fuller for longer and manage your body’s cravings for more food. But it’s the fact that you eat less on them that loses the weight, not the actual fact of eating fewer carbs. Of UPFs, he says there’s nothing in them that inherently makes you gain weight, only that they’re so tasty and so quick to eat, you will probably eat too much. He covers gut biome and exercise as well. He says exercise helps because it builds muscle, and muscle uses up more glucose.
I thought the article was well balanced. He agrees that it’s complicated, all he’s saying is the basic premise of physics, that if you take in too many calories, you will not lose weight, but agrees that it’s very difficult to do.
One interesting thing he does say, which I didn’t know, is about protein. After the body has harvested enough protein for muscle repair, etc, as we know, it breaks down to glucose for energy, But he says it does it ahead of breaking down carbs, so eating a good serving of protein may be one thing that helps weight loss because it takes more energy to convert, than converting carbs to glucose.