back on track but worried now!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
After a few weeks of not caring about much really i am back on track and feel in control. am going to test before and after meals and start diary. I am very proud of myself because for 2 days i have had salads for lunch, maybe this doesn't seem like a big thing but until 5 years ago i NEVER ate any veg or salad, i started eating veg, don't know why because it was a real phobia, eg 1 xmas someone put the spoon from the carrots in the mash so i couldn't eat the mash etc. anyway decided a few days ago that i would try salad, today i ate grated carrot, raw onion, red pepper, lettuce, 3 cherry tomatoes (they were worst) chicken pasta salad and potato salad, with a bread roll.

Now, i am quite worried because on Chris' holiday thread he was worried about food choices.. or the lack of it, so now i am worried because i eat all the same foods as before diagnosis, i have changed mayo from extra lite to just lite because the sugar content is less and i normally have burgen bread instead of white but todays roll was white. i don't eat cakes etc or any pudding so thats not a problem. is there a food list of what i can't eat?

im having beef stew tonight is that ok? can i have dumplings or a pie crust?

thanks for any advice

Julie xx
As long as you are eating a balanced diet, you will be OK. If you want bread or pasta (or even pastry) try to go for whole meal and whole grains. It is very much a case of trial and error and finding things you like.

What works for one may not work for another. It mught help to talk to a dietician or nutritionist who will give you guidance, I find Sweet Magazine quite helpful along with the diabetes UK web site. Or you can do a google search for suitable meals. there is plenty of choice and of course our own recipes threats.

I can completely empathise with you. I'm not a fan of veg myself. I completely loath salad, to the point where it's a running joke with my housemate. When you get to the point of almost-phobia (where I have been), it's SO difficult to break, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Be very proud of yourself. I find the best way to do it is to say 'ok, well I can't face doing this, so I will do (other thing) instead'. So I don't think I'll ever be big on salad, but sticking veg in soups, pasta sauces, stews etc, is easier. So for me, that works.

So on your behalf, I am very proud :D
as long as your being careful look after yourself x x

we are here for you x
I know exactly what you are talking about.
Up until this happened one of my favourite sayings was:
" Salad isn't food. Salad is what food eats!"
But I am finding I am getting used to it gradually.
Not sure if this will continue in the cold damp winter months though.
Hang in there we are all in this together.
It's all such an individual thing, different foods affect everyone in such different ways that some will find they need to cut things out that others can cope with just fine. So long as you're eating a healthy, balanced diet and working towards getting the results you want you'll be fine!
Hi Julie, I'm afraid I don't have any advice, but it sounds like you're right to be porud of yourself! Any step in the right direction is a good one 🙂
I can empathise with you I am not a veg fan at all and couldn't eat a salad. I don't mind cucumber and tomatos so try to eat those on occaion but I hate lettuce.

Like sacredheart I eat soups and use frozen veg and mix it in with sauces or puree it and make my own soup.

I think you've done well with managing to eat salad. As for what foods you can and can't eat? Well your diary and blood sugars will tell you that. From your testing you will be able to find out what foods don't cause you blood sugar problems.
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