I started on metformin mid August. One tablet and last Thursday had risen to 4 x 500. I thought I had iron guts. Shortly after starting my poo rate reduced. At one point I went 8 days but surprisingly no discomfort and stools were all perfect and easily passable. However I have had periods of more action. To be fair last weekend on basis I was between blood test and result I had a restaurant portion of pasta. Felt hot afterwards and had more action. I went to surgery for results yesterday and am changing to an SGLT2 inhibitor x 2 and as there is an overlap with metaformin I am going back to two a day. Last night i had a stomach ache which is rare for me so I am delighted my dosecis diminishing. You are taking less than my final dose. I don't know if SGLT2 would benefit you. The person I saw raved about them but conceded they are more expensive than metformin. I am not looking forward to peeing more. I have enjoyed my uninterrupted sleep. After three weeks of metformin I reduced from 64 to 58 ( think my food efforts helped]
If you are miserable/ unwell you should talk to your GP. I don't know if a combination of an SGLT 2 would help you. I haven't put one I am on in this post. The advantages and disadvantages were discussed and it seemed a good fit for my health needs.
Good luck