Back On Metformin......probably the best option for me


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Of the various drugs I have taken Metformin is the only one that's got my hbac1 down to safer levels

It sure is a bummer on the bowels but I can manage that with sensible use of immodium

Best of the bunch I suppose
Ask to switch to modified release metformin. It’ll calm down any gastric side effects considerably.
Shouldn’t need a GP appointment to switch over, rather just call/email them and ask the question. Don’t wait for your repeat scrip either, do it now.
Ask to switch to modified release metformin. It’ll calm down any gastric side effects considerably.
Shouldn’t need a GP appointment to switch over, rather just call/email them and ask the question. Don’t wait for your repeat scrip either, do it now.
I am on them

750 x 2 daily

Ultimately she wants to see if we can get down to one 750 or 500 mg
I started on metformin mid August. One tablet and last Thursday had risen to 4 x 500. I thought I had iron guts. Shortly after starting my poo rate reduced. At one point I went 8 days but surprisingly no discomfort and stools were all perfect and easily passable. However I have had periods of more action. To be fair last weekend on basis I was between blood test and result I had a restaurant portion of pasta. Felt hot afterwards and had more action. I went to surgery for results yesterday and am changing to an SGLT2 inhibitor x 2 and as there is an overlap with metaformin I am going back to two a day. Last night i had a stomach ache which is rare for me so I am delighted my dosecis diminishing. You are taking less than my final dose. I don't know if SGLT2 would benefit you. The person I saw raved about them but conceded they are more expensive than metformin. I am not looking forward to peeing more. I have enjoyed my uninterrupted sleep. After three weeks of metformin I reduced from 64 to 58 ( think my food efforts helped]

If you are miserable/ unwell you should talk to your GP. I don't know if a combination of an SGLT 2 would help you. I haven't put one I am on in this post. The advantages and disadvantages were discussed and it seemed a good fit for my health needs.

Good luck
I started on metformin mid August. One tablet and last Thursday had risen to 4 x 500. I thought I had iron guts. Shortly after starting my poo rate reduced. At one point I went 8 days but surprisingly no discomfort and stools were all perfect and easily passable. However I have had periods of more action. To be fair last weekend on basis I was between blood test and result I had a restaurant portion of pasta. Felt hot afterwards and had more action. I went to surgery for results yesterday and am changing to an SGLT2 inhibitor x 2 and as there is an overlap with metaformin I am going back to two a day. Last night i had a stomach ache which is rare for me so I am delighted my dosecis diminishing. You are taking less than my final dose. I don't know if SGLT2 would benefit you. The person I saw raved about them but conceded they are more expensive than metformin. I am not looking forward to peeing more. I have enjoyed my uninterrupted sleep. After three weeks of metformin I reduced from 64 to 58 ( think my food efforts helped]

If you are miserable/ unwell you should talk to your GP. I don't know if a combination of an SGLT 2 would help you. I haven't put one I am on in this post. The advantages and disadvantages were discussed and it seemed a good fit for my health needs.

Good luck
Thank you for a most helpful post

I am on metformin and another drug something beginning with p

There are so many , it's incredibly confusing

I was on metformin and saxagliptin but the one I am on now replaces that

The runs and urine problems and thrush have varied between all the drugs but I think in hindsight metformin has been the most manageable .....I pop an occasional immodium but my nurse is happy with that as when I first went on it I dropped from 87 to 52

I think for me to get as well as I can , with medication , is to stop kidding myself about my eating patterns which at times over tge years have been appalling and incredibly unhealthy

Unless I take full responsibility then I could be on 10 metformin daily injected directly into me and I would still be in the danger zone

I am due to collect the new drug tomorrow. I've been warned about urine and potentially thrush. I've never had thrush and hope I don't get it.
I now cannot wait as having posted about being bunged up at the start the four tablets are a killer I now know the bad stomach ache yesterday was a precursor to the runs. Whether I start the new drug tomorrow or not I am not taking more than 2 x 500 of the metformin tomorrow.
Hope things improve for you.
The main thing is ALWAYS take it with your biggest meal of the day. I am on SR 2x 750 too and find that really helps.
The main thing is ALWAYS take it with your biggest meal of the day. I am on SR 2x 750 too and find that really helps.
I take mine on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. I don’t usually eat until I’ve done gym stuff so sometimes that’s as late as midday (ish).
If I take metformin with a meal I have terrible gastric issues.