Back from Oz

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Back from Oz 2 weeks body clock still messed up! Seems to have an impact on energy levels which had perked up since diagnosis , I mean I have CFS anyway with the fibro but even then I could see a difference. But weight has been swinging wildly like the pendulum of a clock since I returned! I am watching what I am doing same as before and I did lose another 6lb in Oz making it 24lb but this fortnight it has swung back and forth by 2.5kg ...BG fine...mind you my lentil dal....I will have to watch it...its a hairy dieters and I love it, but the combination of lentils and sweet potato and rice went to 8.8 on the richter day I had the dal for lunch without the rice and still readings are never that high these days...and I know for some people that is their norm...but I wonder if it is the carb with carb....see if I make a lentil soup I am fine...if I have fish with my sweet potato I am fine, but it seems the combinations really matter and of course lower in fat with it being plant based probably leaves more room to spike ( not that it is a real spike- dietician said that and fine not to worry!) Anyway last night we had trout form our fabulous fish monger caught in local loch omg it was so good with greengrocers baby new potatoes and salad BG 5.5 much better...
Welcome back @Brambleberry !

Hope your weight settles down over the coming weeks.

Yes I think you are right - its different combinations of foods as well as the overall carb load that can make a big difference.

We had a sweet potato Massaman curry last night and I shot up from 4.2 to double figures very swiftly (though I may have over-nudged my low-ish BG before the meal with too generous a swig of full sugar Pepsi!).
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