Back at the gym

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
well after 3 months I went back to the gym yesterday and today, with my hubby, I used to go all the time before i was ill 6 months ago
and more or less had to learn to walk again and getting my head around having Diabetes. I Made a half hearted attempt in November
but ended up giving up.

But this time i am determined to make an effort, its hard because I have mobility problems with my leg and hip and have to use a wheelchair. but I haven't used it for around a month.

What I noticed surprised me was how fast my BS dropped most of the machines I used were in sitting position using my arms so didnt expect that to happen.

Anyway i wanted to post here to remind myself not to give up.

Tomorrow is leg day thats going to be a challenge.
It can be difficult to psych oneself up for a gym visit can’t it? I have a walking disability so struggle a bit to find ways of getting enough aerobic exercise. Was childishly thrilled this afternoon to find a stationary bike that had handlebars that moved as you pedalled. Keep at it!
It can be difficult to psych oneself up for a gym visit can’t it? I have a walking disability so struggle a bit to find ways of getting enough aerobic exercise. Was childishly thrilled this afternoon to find a stationary bike that had handlebars that moved as you pedalled. Keep at it!
Yes it i difficult, also seeing people who are able to use all the machines properly both my hubby and i have been going for over 6 years, even when my hubby had a chest drain in when he was diagnosed with Lung Cancer coming up to 3 years ago nothing stopped him, he goes 5 days a week 60 to 90 minutes each session, I am also doing this for him.
Good on you @Pam123 !

Wishing you all the best to stick at it
Just a quick update to stop me slipping, just finished week 3 going back to the gym, we go 5 days a week only missed last Thursday as it was hubby birthday, ive lost 10lb without dieting, so pleased with my progress so far.
Just a quick update to stop me slipping, just finished week 3 going back to the gym, we go 5 days a week only missed last Thursday as it was hubby birthday, ive lost 10lb without dieting, so pleased with my progress so far.

What a result well done.
5 weeks now only had one day off last week I've lost another 5Lb, 15 in total, i didn't realise just how much weight you can loose by exercise since for the last few years I've not entertained even trying due to my mobility issues. I wont deny its hard and painful but with my hubby pushing me ive got to do it for him as well, since I was diagnosed last July ive gone from a size 18/20 to a 14.
5 weeks now only had one day off last week I've lost another 5Lb, 15 in total, i didn't realise just how much weight you can loose by exercise since for the last few years I've not entertained even trying due to my mobility issues. I wont deny its hard and painful but with my hubby pushing me ive got to do it for him as well, since I was diagnosed last July ive gone from a size 18/20 to a 14.

Great stuff @Pam123

Thanks for the update, and really pleased to hear how well it’s working for you. 🙂

Congratulations on your weight loss! You’ll be shopping for a new wardrobe soon!
Well done you! I found that my BG went down fast at the gym. Even had a hypo once after a particularly heavy duty lifting session. I used to check my BG regularly in the gym, particularly on the day I trained with PT as those days were a lot heavier with the lifting (dead lifting, squats, bench press, free weights etc). I also find it goes down after I have ridden my horse as well. However, my doctor/diabetic nurse has now taken me off glicazide now, so just metformin, and all good. Keep on going, us gym bunnies need to stick together, and look forward to hearing more good new (I lost over 5 stones with dieting, gym and riding, so good on you).
Well done you! I found that my BG went down fast at the gym. Even had a hypo once after a particularly heavy duty lifting session. I used to check my BG regularly in the gym, particularly on the day I trained with PT as those days were a lot heavier with the lifting (dead lifting, squats, bench press, free weights etc). I also find it goes down after I have ridden my horse as well. However, my doctor/diabetic nurse has now taken me off glicazide now, so just metformin, and all good. Keep on going, us gym bunnies need to stick together, and look forward to hearing more good new (I lost over 5 stones with dieting, gym and riding, so good on you).
WOW congratulation on your weight loss that amazing, I am approaching 3 stone now but the big drop was down to 6 weeks not eating and being in hospital, i have slow realise insulin once a day, my BG also drops fast a the gym I have a Libre 2 so keep an eye on it while training, my hubby is always with me as i am disabled (hip, knee mobility) he has a PT who ive trained with a few times he helped me a lot and the added bonus is he is a T1 diabetic and has JB at hand if needed h has helped me more with diabetic issues along with the lovely people on the forum than anyone else in the medical field,
Just a quick update it's 2 months since I started back at the gym and I've now reached my target weight and back in a size 12 we've just booked a week away this coming Friday so I'm off to get some new clothes for a treat its been hard and I have missed the odd day as I find 5 days a week a bit to much now I've got to work out how not to continue loosing weight something I never thought I would be doing.
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