Back again, and in remission :)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I used to be in these forums for a short time and you might remember I left and complained about another member bullying me in the forums and even when I ignored her she kept commenting on my posts. I was ridiculed for eating fruits, not fruit, muller lite yogurts and drinking options chocolate . Well there was no need to ridicule me or talk behind my back! This morning I got the news that It has worked for me and I am in remission! I wish you all good luck and good health! Jeanette
Welcome back @Jinty2001

Great to hear you have been able to out your diabetes into remission! Congratulations 🙂
Great job @Jinty2001 you found your way which works for you!!

Huge congrats!!!
Congratulations @Jinty2001, what amazing news to hear you're now in remission! How much weight have you lost and how did you do it? :D
Hi I used to be in these forums for a short time and you might remember I left and complained about another member bullying me in the forums and even when I ignored her she kept commenting on my posts. I was ridiculed for eating fruits, not fruit, muller lite yogurts and drinking options chocolate . Well there was no need to ridicule me or talk behind my back! This morning I got the news that It has worked for me and I am in remission! I wish you all good luck and good health! Jeanette
Congratulations! That is such great news!
That seemed to improve things for me a lot.
I also eat lots of fruit!
Well done!
I eat everything. I have one whole meal roll everyday. I do it in the air fryer with cheese, 30 g and chopped tomato and spring onion. I have potatoes , rice, not so much much pasta, rice noodles I love. I measure my milk semi skimmed 300 g or if I’m not having cheese I have 600 g. Meats, fat removed, muller lite yogurts and I have a treat every day. Last night had 2 Freddo frogs chocolate. I have never taken sugar in my hot drinks so that helps. I couldn’t have gone into remission sooner as was I only diagnosed after lockdown.
Yes, I eat potato as well, it doesn't seem to cause me a problem. Don't like pasta or rice, so they don't bother me, and will eat bread occasionally.
Can I just say. NHS Scotland are working with diabetics and other overweight people through SlimmingWorld and WeightWatchers to lose weight. I have just completed a 24 week course and thought I’d blown it as I was very bad over the last few months. It’s FREE for diabetics for 12 weeks. You lose 5% of your body weight then they give you another 12 weeks I’ve also got a free week to help me again. I will be signing up for 12 weeks and will be staying this time. Contact your doctor or hospital weight management to enroll and you get sent a code. You pick a group and they tell the consultant your coming to group. I’m just going to phone the hospital to tell them my good news.
Just noticed it is your birthday today @Jinty2001

Happy birthday!

Hope you have a lovely day 🙂
Thank you. Just got weighed and delighted I’ve lost 6 lbs. Remission has spurred me on to do better . Nice birthday surprise. Have a nice day!
Happy Birthday….have a great day! Well done too on your weight loss
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