Back again after a gap

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
I haven't been in here for a while, for a number of reasons.

I was doing really well with a low GI diet. Then I got silent reflux, and the treatment for that gave me the runs which didn't stop after I stopped the meds. I got diagnosed with microscopic colitis and lost weight down below 9 stone. I ended up eating whatever would stay put, and now my weight is back up to around 9 stone 10, which is on the high side for me. (I can tell by the belly roll!)

Also, my gall bladder was almost invisible when I had an ultrasound and the doctor thinks it has stopped working. I wonder how that fits in to the whole picture but the doctors don't seem to think it's important.

I had a bereavement at the start of the year (my younger and only sister) which hasn't helped because of comfort eating and complete absence of willpower so I've been eating all the wrong things, but I checked my blood sugar this morning and it was 5.2 which I think is OK? and 5.0 an hour after eating the wrong sort of cereal. 5.4 a couple of hours later after some aerobic exercise.

I'm guessing I'm doing OKish. I'm down to see a NHS dietician in a month or two to help me get back on track without getting heartburn again, especially as I've stopped eating meat.
Hello @fairyhedgehog welcome back, so sorry for your loss. I hope you can cope with your health issues we are here to listen and maybe advise, take care.
Hi Karnak,

Thank you! This is such a lovely, welcoming place and people helped me so much when I first had to go low GI. I just feel I need a bit of support again until I can get back on track.
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