I've had the most appalling smell coming from my body for the past few weeks and tried changing all my toiletries in case it was some sort of allergic reaction, but nothing changed. I finally decided to ask Dr Google who suggested it might be diabetes, liver or kidney disease. I had a fasting blood test at the pharmacy yesterday which had a reading of 146 (pharmacist said it should be below 99 ) so she thinks it's probably diabetes. I cannot get a doctors appointment for weeks so have started carb counting to see if that helps. I've read loads of info so aiming for around 50 carbs to try and level out my blood sugars, but really have not a clue what I'm doing. I've noticed both yesterday and today that although the stink is more of an aroma now, a couple of hours after eating its full on pong again for a while. Am I doing it right or likely to keel over before I get to see a doctor?