Avoiding blisters

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Does anyone out there have any good tips on avoiding blisters?

Ever since I started having to wear shoes as a child, I have had a tendancy to blisters no matter how gently I break things in, what socks I wear in my walking boots et cetera. As a result I approach buying a new pair of walking boots with trepidation but my favourite pair have finally given up the ghost and so I'm off to get a new pair this afternoon
I always had the the same problem. Have you a clarks shoe shop near you? try to go for soft leather and a good fit that wont flop about whe you walk.

These days I get my shoes from cosy feet as I realy can't get on with the cheap poor quality shoes available in my local shopping center. This is not the solution if yu need the shoes now but worth thinking about for the future.
I found this i may or may not help :

Avoid Blisters by selecting the right socks, they should fit your foot, and not be too skin tight or too baggy. Also choose a soft wicking material without cotton in them or choose a fiber blend. Find socks that don't have a seam. Some socks stitch in extra padding on the toe and heel areas, this can actually be worse, if the seam protrudes, it can rub against your foot causing blisters. Double layer socks sometimes help to prevent blisters. You can buy double layer socks, or layer two pairs depending on your preference

Throw out your old worn socks, areas that are worn thin can also be the cause of blistering.
Good move, buying boots in the afternoon - feet swell through the day, so you are less likely to buy footwear that is too tight in the afternoon. Once you know where your boots / feet rub, apply tape before wearing - it's worth experimenting with various types eg zinc oxide (stretchy or plain fabric), micropore etc or film dressings such as Tegaderm. If you feel any sore spots, then apply tape before the skin gets red or broken. Most tape can be left in place until it comes off easily eg after a bath or shower - better than pulling off. Socks with walking boots - I've met people who find different solutions suit them - for myself, I prefer an inner thin pair and an outer thicker pair, always woollen, but that's because I usually walk in wet places. With walking boots, it's often worth adjusting lacing at least once or twice a day anyway, and when changing between uphill and downhill sections. Shop staff are often well informed about lacing techniques, as well as all aspects of boot selection and fitting - I've found Cotswold shop staff particularly good, but always ask for the foot wear specialist in any shop. If you haven't bought boots for some time, you may be surprised at the range available, including flexible waterproof fabric boots and shoes, which might be suitable, depending on where you intend to walk.
Thank you all. Will have a good look at the socks as I try the various walking boots out. My spare ones aren't really adjustable enough in the ankle fastening which is why they can rub if I'm not careful. Hadn't thought about taping up either

Usually go to Clarks for my normal shoes as they do some lovely soft leather ones. Other range I've found good in the past for me were Gabor but they tend to be occasional wear now
I tend to get blisters with my football boots during the summer and times whent he ground is harder, my solution is vaseline, rub plenty over the outside of my socks and it prevents blisters. Probably not the best solution if you've got to then walk anywhere inside in your socks.
Thanks Nikki.

Had a lovely time yesterday wandering round Oxford in the sunshine with the occasional sit down in pavement cafes for a coffee and then my husband took me out to dinner as I met him from work. Made all the hassle of trying on lots of walking boots to find the right pair worth while.

My feet seem to have got longer and wider since I last got a pair - wonder if it is the effect of all the sensible shoes I now wear rather than the high heeled, smart shoes I used to love? Got some new walking socks too that are double lined and have 28 days to wear the boots in around the house to check they will fit comfortably or I can take them back for full refund. The guy in Millett's was really helpful - his father is also a diabetic - but couldn't get anybody to show any willingness to serve in Black's - so I got some Karrimoor boots in Millett's with 30% off. Only downside is they are a sort of dusky pink colour called "pigeon"

In interim have got the really old pair of boots out of the cupboard and padded up the back heel where they rub a bit so can still be off sauntering
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Glad you managed to get some boots vanessa.
I enjoyed walking round Oxford on Thursday, stood for a while to listen to a really good busker, would have stayed longer but had to get to my meeting.
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