Average HBA1C

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Can I anyone tell me if the average fbg on your blood glucose machine is a guide to what your HBA1C will be (my machine gives you an average over 30 days). My bg before breakfast is usually between 4.7 and 5.4 most days and I wondered if I could take this as a sign that I have reasonable control.
There is a calculation you can do to relate your HbA1c to your estimated average from your meter:

MeterAverage(mmol/l) = 1.59 ? A1C − 2.59

So, if your HbA1c was 6.5 the calculation would be:

(1.59 x 6.5) - 2.59 = 7.75 meter average.

Heres a table that makes it easier:

HbA1c Meter reading
(%) (mmol/L)
5 = 5.4 (4.2–6.7)
6 = 7.0 (5.5–8.5)
7 = 8.6 (6.8–10.3)
8 = 10.2 (8.1–12.1)
9 = 11.8 (9.4–13.9)
10 = 13.4 (10.7–15.7)
11 = 14.9 (12.0–17.5)
12 = 16.5 (13.3–19.3)
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Sebstar - I think it can be a good guide if you have a good spread of readings. There are some formulae out there that will try to convert your average meter readings into an estimated HbA1c. I tried it recently using my 90 day average immediately preceding blood being taken and it estimated my HbA1c at 5.5% - my lab reading was 5.6% so in my case it came close.

The formula is BG = (1.583xHbA1c)-2.52 which if you rearrange gives HbA1c = (BG+2.52)/1.583. I have a spreadsheet set up for this which I find helpful.
Northerner - just a normal case of great minds thinking alike 😛
Can I anyone tell me if the average fbg on your blood glucose machine is a guide to what your HBA1C will be (my machine gives you an average over 30 days). My bg before breakfast is usually between 4.7 and 5.4 most days and I wondered if I could take this as a sign that I have reasonable control.
Hi Sebstar,

I'd certainly be expecting that to result in a great HbA1c somewhere in at least the mid 5s and possibly lower. However, how good it is will also depend on how high you are taking the levels after meals - that is important too.

I've found that my 'on rising' fasting level is a very good indicator of my overall control.

Sounds as though you have things fairly well under control. Well done!

Best wishes - John
I do take lots of readings 1 hour and 2 hour and sometimes 1 and a hallf hours after meals. I'm happy if I don't go into double figures and like to be below 8 after 2 hours I just wondered if the fasting one first thing in the morning was significant. I'm hopeless at maths. I'm not on any medication at the moment and not due for a review till the end of April so am getting a little anxious that I think I am doing ok when maybe I'm not.:confused: Thanks for all replies.
........I'm happy if I don't go into double figures and like to be below 8 after 2 hours ...........
That's basically where I started from. I then started to look for being below 8 one hour after eating and that's where I am these days.

You sound to be doing OK! I'd say don't get too anxious about it just keep trying to improve your levels slowly.

Best wishes - John
Sebstar - I'd be really pleased with fasting levels like the ones you're producing - I'm consistently in the 6s, almost never in the 5s, and occasionally in the 7s. I still managed a 5.6% HbA1c last time round.

If your post-prandial levels are not too high I think you may well be on target for a seriously good result.
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