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mark woodcock

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have recently been told I have proliferative Retinopthy and have been advised to have laser treatment, I am not happy about the listed side effects of this treatment, and I have read about a new treatment for Retinopathy called Avastin Injections at a site called loveyour eyes. From my understanding recent trials at Moorfields have found this treatment to be better than laser treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy in a trial called the Bolt Trial has anyone had this treatment and if so was it effective.

I understand the NHS wont fund and it has to be bought privatly however it has recently been funded for Macular Oedema patients, has anyone had this new treatment on the NHS?
Sorry I have not heard of this but I know Moorfields is a World Renowned Eye Hospital.
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