Autumn statement: why the NHS needs more than Christmas cheer

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A bit of Christmas cheer might be in the offing for the NHS in an extra £2bn in 2015-16 due to be announced in George Osborne’s autumn statement. The NHS desperately needs additional money to keep the show on the road. It is a sign of just how worried the government must be that, despite the deteriorating public finances, the chancellor appears to have been persuaded to find money he doesn’t really have for the NHS.

The latest performance reports from the organisations that oversee different bits of the NHS all paint a picture of a service under significant and growing strain. Six months into this financial year, more than three-quarters of all acute hospitals are not balancing their books and their net deficit is £714m. But the strain in England’s acute hospitals is not just about the money – those same performance reports present a deeply depressing picture of a health service that is struggling to deliver the quality of care all those who work in it aspire to.

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