Autonomic polyneuropathy

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Does any one have any experience with autonomic polyneutopathy. Just been diagnosed and trying to work it through the grey cells, the ones that are still functioning! The only positive so far is that it is what has been causing 99% of my problems. Not sure what I can do to affect the problems, if at all, very new territory for me. It sent my glucoes and BP into an uncontrollable state yesterday. At least I was in the ED while it was happening.
Sorry to hear about yesterday @Cheyne That must have been scary. There have been a few mentions of autonomic neuropathy here. I did a search for you while you’re waiting for replies:

Thankyou. Being diagnosed was a relief in that it is not my mental state as had been indicated but somthing totally out of my control. Rather great I was in ED and they could see the problems I have been having and react positively. Having both polyneuropathy and the autonomic polyneuropathy makes it a bit rough at times. Yesterday my blood pressure rose sharply to 199/119 and stayed there for 12 hours. My Bg went crazy, went to 10.2 after a cup of tea 2 hours earlier. For some reason I indulged in 1x small cheap chocolate and my Bg dropped to 9.0 within 30 minutes. That's what caused me to get to ED.
I haven't got my head fully around it yet but the thought of not being able to control what we all do naturally, without thought, like the heart beating scares the H out of me. I guess that must be the last act, the heart muscles stopping working randomly without warning.
Thanks again.
I completely understand how worrying it is @Cheyne I hope there’s something that can help you x
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