Auto-immune liver disease?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've had a crap year so far. I went to my GP with recurrent upset stomach in January, they diagnosed IBS and did some blood tests to rule out colitis and coeliac. And the tests came back with HbA1c of 81. Not only did I have IBS but diabetes as well. And the diet recommendations for the 2 are almost diametrically opposite.
And my LFTs came back all crooked too - ALT and AST were higher than the last tests (having been diagnosed with NAFLD 2 years ago) so they did a GGT test. That one came back at 200 (normal is up to 40), so they decided to run an autoimmune assay.
So now I'm facing more tests, probably a biopsy, and certainly a good few months of feeling terrible while they try and balance steroids, blood sugars, pain and everything.
Does anyone know if this is common in diabetics? My GP said she doesn't think there is a link - cause or effect. But I'd be keen to speak to anyone who has experience...
I have no idea what most of your acronyms mean but none of it sounds good. I hope things get better for you soon xx
I have no idea what most of your acronyms mean but none of it sounds good.
I just read it back to myself and though 'OMG I've turned into acronym woman!'. Apologies, I forget not everyone knows what I'm talking about:
LFT = liver function test
AST & ALT = liver enzyme
GGT = another liver enzyme
NAFLD = non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Short version - all my liver damage markers are high - my liver cells are breaking down and releasing these enzymes into my blood. They think my immune system is attacking my liver, the treatment is high doses of steroids, which will play havoc with my blood sugar levels.
Oh gosh, you are having a bad time of it. I've no idea if this is common (secretly hoping not!), either way it doesn't help your current predicament! Hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge of these things will be able to help xx
Aaarrgghh Jude !

I have to say - I think there could be a connection, else otherwise would diabetics get LFT's periodically during their lives? Admittedly not so often as HbA1c, Thyroid function, Kidney function tests, but I've had more than the odd one over the last 40+ years - yet there's never been any suggestion of 'fatty liver' or probs with alcohol consumption or any kind of jaundice at any time, all of which would be immediate markers for such a test being done.

Hopefully, others will know more than me.
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