Author Sheila Glazov Weaves Reality of Chronic Illness into Fairytale

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Relationship to Diabetes
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A newly revised and updated version of the beautifully illustrated fairytale Princess Shayna's Invisible Visible Gift has been released just in time for Diabetes Awareness Month in November and the December holidays. Authored by Sheila N. Glazov, the book can be found on Amazon, at , or through the publisher, SLACK Books, for $18.95.

Originally published in 1997, over the years Glazov has received hundreds of letters and testimonials regarding Princess Shayna's Invisible Visible Gift, convincing her that it was worth updating the tale. In this version, she takes the unusual step of incorporating some of the ideas that readers have shared with her. The introduction and chapter discussions have been augmented and more information is given as to how the book can be used with children. In addition, the captivating illustrations are brighter and refreshed.
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