Attractive people less likely to suffer from diabetes, asthma and high blood pressure

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
New research has revealed that attractive people have less chance of suffering from a range of health problems.

The US study, which had 15,000 participants, also found that good-looking people were generally happier, took less time off work and developed less physical and mental illnesses over their lifetime.

We bet you’re wondering how they judged who was hot, and who was, well, not? Well, researchers ranked each participant over a 90-minute period, putting them in one of five categories: very attractive, attractive, average, unattractive, very unattractive.

The study was done on both men and women between the ages of 24 and 35, and their health has been closely followed by the University of Cincinnati since they were 10.

Absolute poppycock! 🙄
Does that mean that we come in the "ugly" category?:confused:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and what is in the heart is where beauty shines through.
What a load of rubbish and I wonder how much it cost to make such assumptions.
What a load of old tosh. I mean i know i'm not in the pretty group but still, i wasn't bad when slimmer and younger 😉
And people get PAID to tell us this rubbish?? 😱

I'm no oil painting so I think I'll go and hang myself then, obviously I'm about to be hit with loads of health problems 🙄
Poppycock, I'm very attractive, my Mum told me so and she has no reason to lie to me.......does she...?
Sounds a rather subjective study 🙄 I've met lots of good looking folk with chronic health problems, and my little one is a beauty too 😛
And I've heard that James Blunt thinks Steff is beautiful so there.
Poppycock, I'm very attractive, my Mum told me so and she has no reason to lie to me.......does she...?

Yeah, I'm absolutely it's rubbish.
Is it that they is telling me that I is ugly then Northie? In which case we all are so seeing as we're all gathered here together, the good looking ones can go and tittle.

They are probably mean and nasty, not to mention vain - so they needn't think they can try to get in here with us, having FUN !
Attractive people less likely to suffer from diabetes, asthma and high blood pressure

If this is true, why do I have diabetes and high blood pressure?
Well, given that my symptoms have improved since first diagnosed, that must mean that I am getting more and more attractive!

Andy (The Hunk) HB 😉🙄
Well, if we get away from the emotive aspects of this, it does notionally make sense.

Although 'attractiveness' is a bit of a nebulous concept, generally, attractiveness is a measure of genetic potential. 'Attractiveness' is strongly influenced by characteristics which suggest genes that are best suited for survival.

Take this to it's logical conclusion and it may be that genetic predispositions to certain diseases (thus indicating 'lesser' genes) can affect your appearance - not to the point that we're consciously aware of it, but on some brainstem level we note it.

Or it might in fact be nurture - there's plenty of studies that suggest 'attractive' people tend to be treated better overall by others which perhaps means they firstly find it easier to access preventative healthcare but also have a stronger social support network, which may help too.
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