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athletes foot


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all!

Alex has developed what looks like athletes foot on one foot - i know there are many treatments out there - but do you know if they are all safe to use on diabetics? I know that sounds a silly question -but someone has told me you cant use creams etc with 'acid' in for diabetics? Any advice will be greatfully received!:DBev
I would suggest a chat with your local pharmacist as they are very knowledgeable and apparently some pharmacists now have an examination room.

May be it speaking with a Chiropodist could help. My chiropodist is extremely knowledgeable about diabetic complications and what you can/can't use on your feet.
I have used athletes foot treatments on my feet and it just made it better, no ill effects. I think I used mycil spray rather than a cream. I'm sure you know to do things like drying between toes after a bath and making sure alex wears well fitting shoes preferably not trainers all the time. If you are worried go to a foot clinic. I was given a list of them on my DAFNE course, I think you can find them on your local primary care trust site.
I get on very well with my local pharmacist who is able to give loads of advice. If you have one you use regulalry he will know you and Alex very well and will be better placed for giving advice, but failing that any of the above or your diabetic care team ot yoyr GP.