At last an appt for MRI results

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
4 weeks after my initial suspected TIA and 3 weeks after my MRI I've finally got an appt with the consultant on 21st Sept so another 2 weeks to wait. I'm wondering if they've sent the results to my GP yet because I probably ought to go see him about my new insulin regime and could ask about the results then, but maybe I should wait for the consultant! Argh I don't know what to do! I feel sick to the bottom of my stomach about getting the results, just keep telling myself they can't be too bad if they are happy to make me wait another 2 weeks. It was the secretary who rang and I asked her if she knew what the results were but she said they mean nothing to her. I bet she knows really but I don't blame her getting involved, it's not her job or responsibility but I wanna know............I think! 😱
Hi Flutter goodness me its along time is it not and im sure your sat at home wondering and worrying, the 21st cant come quick enough for you hun i wish you luck with the results I also agree with your way of thinking they have not dragged you back in quick so that hopefully means nothing to bad xxx
Thank you, it's one of those situations where you don't know what you are going to be told, whether it will be better or worse than you thought and what the next stage of the process will be. I don't know if I will come away feeling glad to know or scared or what. I've been really over sensitive to everything the last few days because I just don't know what is going on. It's horrible.
I hope all goes well with the results and they are better rather than worse.

It can't do any harm to ask your GP for reassuarnce or find out on his take on it.
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