Asthma/bronchitis Medication & type2

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I’ve had a chesty cough that dry for past few days and went to an out of hrs dr appts only one I could get to fit around work. Dr thinks bronchitis or asthma flare up( haven’t had asthmas Sind so went through puberty but did have it as a child)I was prescribed prensidolne (spelling could poss be wrong) steroid and take 6 little tablets a day plus an inhaler to try and shift it and since I’ve takes my blood sugars are like 12 /13 once 15 and I’m not eating carbs eg this morning breakfast was bacon medallion and scrambled egg with spinach and I was 13,6 after and I was 7.7 before now o wouldn’t normally get that high unless I ate cake. I’m also sue a hb1ac test in 2 weeks so I’m worried this will have an impact.

I feel super restricted in my eating as I’m scared about going high all the time when I rang the pharmacy to say I’m t2 should I take them he said yes because with D if things go untreated etc.

I’m not really sure why I’m posting but just for a sounding board really- I’m wondering if I should ring my own drs on Monday and ask to up my metformin as I only take 1 a day or if they can give me something else other than steroids.
Yes steroids will temporarily raise your blood sugars, but it’s only long term high blood sugars that will cause complications. Whereas if you don’t take the steroids your asthma flare up won’t improve and to be honest, not being able to breathe will kill you a lot quicker than high blood sugars will.
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