As Ramadan begins this is everything you need to know about the Islamic holy month

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ramadan, the most religious time of the year for Muslims, will be observed in June, and part of July in 2016.

Muslims fast during daylight hours in Ramadan and it is also a time when they will engage in extra prayers and worship.

Here, Dr Mansur Ali, Jameel lecturer in Islamic Studies at the Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK at Cardiff University, and Abdul-Azim Ahmed, a student of religion and theology at Cardiff University , explain what it is and what Muslims do during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

Here's a link to Diabetes UK's page about Ramadan and diabetes:

The page also has information about fasting and Ramadan in different languages 🙂
Hee hee - fireworks going off late night the other day. Pete goes is that someone being murdered, or fireworks? Sounds like 'bangers' to me I said, Oooh hang on, is it Ramadan? Don't be silly he says, that's in the autumn, October isn't it? - you were in Goa one year weren't you?

I had to explain that the date of Ramadan is earlier every year, a bit like the date of Easter but exaggerated.

The end of it was about halfway through our fortnight - what a brilliant night!
Toughest possible time for Ramadan this year, as it spans the longest day. All credit to those who manage to fast, and those who do shorter fasts for medical reasons. I enjoyed sharing dates (fruit) in Olympics staff canteen, around 9pm in Aug 2013, even though I'd only nit eaten before shift started at 2pm.
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